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Forum Replies Created

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  • @daneglerum


    Thanks @chouf1

    I’ve finished moving the group forums to bbpress 2.x now so I don’t think it is required but it is great ot have this response here for future googlers.



    Yep. Setting the correct prefix fixed things.

    Can I suggest we update the guide to include a note to ‘check your bp-config.php file to confirm the table prefix’





    I’ve worked through the guide but am still having some issues. I’m doing some troubleshooting now and hopefully will get things working but I’ll post my issues here in case anyone has any good tips.

    1. Group forums are not appearing in the Dashboard forum screen (wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=forum) I would have expected them to appear here after the import.
    2. Previous group forums do not appear to be linked to the group any longer. The forum tab for the group simply says ‘The group does not have any forums’. Reactivating the old buddypress discussion component resolves this.

    Troubleshooting so far …
    After some digging around I discovered that the buddypress bbconfig.php file has a different table prefix set for the forums. Suspect that the forums didn’t actually import because wp_bb wasn’t used.



    @mercime thanks for that. Stupid question but does this migration mean I’ll be moving my group forums to bbpress 2.0 or is it just a way to setup site wide forums?

    ps. the link isn’t working for me.



    Thanks @aronprins

    I’ve tried that plugin but did not have any luck.

    I’m starting to wonder if group forums were the best architectural decision for my community. I like the ability to segregate conversations by group and to have private groups and forums but perhaps there is too much segregation. The decision for to move away from group based forums factors into my thinking too.

    I’ll do some more reading on how sitewide forums can be used. It seems like this implementation of bbpress is a bit more flexible.

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