Thanks for the help, can You help me to find solutions for the followings:
1- I want to show all my forums listed in one page with login widget on the sidebar
2- where should I find the widget or shortcode for lost password.
I disabled all the plugins and used the Twenty Twelve theme, but still have the same problem, when I click on register page to view, it goes to home page and there is no registration form.
I did not go through the installation wizard after activating BuddyPress, so I did delete the bp and re-installed it but I dont get the “installation wizard” can you help me to fix it, I can send you my admin info if you want.
My Buddy Press version is 1.6.4 and I am using wordpress 3.5.1, the name of the them is mearishop which is NOT BP default theme.(please disregard my previous reply)