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  • @devweb


    Thank you for supplying that code John, however unfortunately it dos not work and I am still at a loss with this, does anyone else have any suggestions as this would be most appreciated

    Thanks in advance





    I can’t believe I just posted that.

    I know its not a CSS thing, its a PHP thing, its nearly Eriday, I’m tired, my bad!

    I’m going to look up using classes some more and figure it out. Any further advice would be brill though!



    Hi John, thanks for letting me know, been battling with it for hours!

    However, I placed a class=”confirm” onto the link in the echo function as you said, but its still not working.

    Can you advise where to put this class please? (Unless its just me being daft)

    Thanks very much




    Thank you so so so very much, I’ve been trying to do this for months, you have no idea how relieved I am. I’m going to go and have a nice calming cigarette outside while I cry with relief!

    Again, thank you so much.





    Yes, so not just the member name ( from function bp_the_site_member_name() ) but underneath that the username too.

    I take it I’m being stupid and this is actually a lot more simple than I thought?



    Jeff, just tried the function bp_core_get_user_displayname() and its throwing me a ‘undefined function’ error, I think this is why I didn’t use it in the first place.

    Tried the above code, but unfortunately it didn’t work, I think this is because I am calling it on the member search page rather than a profile page. Where you have the ajax search and it displays the members, I want it so that the ‘username’ is also displayed per user as well as their ‘display name’ or full name.

    I’m going to have a fiddle with the ‘get_var’ variable as I’ve seen this on the WP function reference but not tried it.

    Obviously, if you can advise any more I would greatly appreciate it!

    Thanks again



    Thanks Jeff

    Made the alteration, still outputting ‘Array ( )’ though?

    Thanks, DW



    Wow, thanks guys, got a bit lost in your convo though, so I have this (bear in mind my knowledge is a bit pants), I have used the bp-custom.php file as you suggested Jeff:

    In the bp-custom.php file:


    function get_user_name_display() {
    global $wpdb;
    $row = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare("SELECT user_login FROM $wpdb->users WHERE u.ID = %d", $bp->displayed_user->id) );




    Then in the member-loop.php file:

    <?php global $bp; echo get_user_name_display( $bp->displayed_user->id ); ?>

    This is currently outputting ‘array ( )’. I think I’m nearly there, just need a little shove …

    Thanks again



    Well that removed the ‘array’ text, but there is now nothing appearing, thanks for pointing that out, I believe it is supposed to be ‘get_row’!

    Any more ideas on what I’ve got wrong?



    Hi, I believe what you’re looking for is in the bp-core folder > bp-core-classes.php

    Hope that helps



    Hi Baraber,

    yes you can, go into your BP install and find the folder under themes for the theme you are using, then under ‘profile’ -> index.php you can remove or comment out items of code that correspond to components to remove them.

    All the components are fairly self explanatory so you shouldn’t have a problem finding them.

    Hope that helps



    Nope! I’ve come up with a partial work around that I’m trying to figure out. You know how you can choose to display certain numbers of members when you search? Well, I am going to have their usernames come up under their display name so both are shown. That way another member can find them either way even when there are several members of the same name. I have also disabled clicking on their name to view their profiles to help with privacy.

    If you come up with another solution can you let me know? This one is really bugging me!




    Having looked in more depth I think this might be achievable by adding a query into the registration.php file that I assume gets executed after hitting the submit button on the signup page.

    Problem is, can’t figure out how to create the appropriate query for checking the meta field.

    Anyone offer some suggestions?




    Still having no luck with this, moving any of the code seems to do nothing, if anyone can lend a helping hand it will be much appreciated!

    Thanks again



    Thanks Manoj,

    Imagine the standard Buddypress layout. Now go to friends on the left menu. I have changed this page to just have the search feature with ‘members’ selected as the search option.You type in a member, it searches and returns the ‘member listing’ and AJAX powered member search feature.

    This is exactly what I want, however, once you search, in the middle bar, default member template, where additional options are listed Eg. My friends, friend requests etc ‘Profile’ ‘Friends’ and the other ‘main’ titles appear with the following URLs:


    Any ideas howt o get rid of this?

    Thanks again



    Thank you so much! Just what I was looking for! If I could see you I would kiss you!

    Sorted it out and its working just the way I wanted it to. However, I must have derailed at some point because, in the ‘options bar’ or atleast the bar on the right of the main one and left of the main content area, ‘activity’, ‘wire’, ‘friends’ etc is repeating itself but the links go to no specific username.

    Any idea on this?

    Thanks very much again!



    Got a bit further. Have moved the top left search bar into the ‘friends’ left column. When you perform a search, under the directory listing of letters there is a section called ‘member listing’ and ‘find members’. These are the two things I need on my friends page.

    Does anyone know where the code, function or call_action is/are for these features?

    I have tried bp_core_ajax_widget_members() but it gives ‘-1’ so I believe this function is called during form processing, but I can’t extract it form the search results page it’s currently in!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks again



    I have had a look, either not put in the correct term or missing it – do you know of any off the top of your head?

    Cheers Socialpreneur



    Thanks Burt, will remember in future, however, here is the line of code I am interested in:

    <input type=”hidden” name=”redirect_to” value=”/members/<?php bp_core_get_username() ?>/profile” />

    As per the original post I need some PHP script to call the username that the user has inputted into the username field – to replace the highlighted text above.

    Anyone have any suggestions please let me know!

    Thanks in advance




    HAve this so far:

    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo site_url(‘activate?key=$user_name’); ?>”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”activation” value=”Activate now” />


    This returns ‘incorrect activation key’ – great, on the right road.

    Now in place of $user_name, I need a function, but I can’t figure out how to get it in. I thought maybe putting this in there would do the trick:

    $key = @mysql_query(‘SELECT activation_key FROM wp_signups WHERE login_user=$user_name’);


    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo site_url(‘activate?key=$key’); ?>”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”activation” value=”Activate now” />


    Don’t think the syntax is right above and neither is it in the form above, Nicolagreco or J can you lend your expertise?

    Thanks very much



    J, thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately that just takes you back to the registration page.

    I’m thinking along the lines of using the predefined ‘user_name’ which identifies the user, then the activation key is ‘activation_key’ in the MySQL DB. I need to use the ‘user_name’ to call the equivalent activation key and I think ‘&_GET’ to the activation page by having the activation key placed into a url.

    Anyone have any idea how to do this or have any suggestions?

    Cheers all



    Can any one tell me what function I might place into the ‘action’ field for the form that finds the key and takes you to the activation page?

    <form method=”post” action=”<?php echo ‘http://&#8217; . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path ?>wp-activate.php”>

    <input type=”submit” name=”activation” value=”Activate now” />


    This is completely wrong I know as it takes me to http://wp-activate.php!

    Thanks again



    I have reCAPTCHA installed and TOS with tick box, I also have the password plugin installed which seems to be working nicely so that the user can create their own password.

    Thanks for confirming, I shall give this a go and see what happens!

    Cheers J



    Cheers guys! Thats a lot of help! I’ve also been playing around with them and now got to grips with the hook thing do_action etc by rearrangning the signup page by removing them from the ‘extra fields’ using their individual hooks and placing them where I want on the core signup file.

    Thanks again!!!

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