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Michelle Hill

About Me

Just as there are many symptoms for a Yeast Infection there are also many treatment options, either medicated, over the counter or natural. Two popular and effective natural remedies are apple cider vinegar and natural live yogurt.

To use apple cider vinegar make sure it is the organic natural kind first then dilute in bath water and soak in it. It will help restore balance in the body improve your immune system and replenish good bacteria both of which will regain control of the overgrowing fungus.

Yogurt too will top up the good bacteria in your body but make sure it has no added fruit or sugar, sugar feeds the fungus! To use the yogurt dip a tampon in it and insert. It can also be used like a cream or lotion. It has a wonderful soothing affect to the symptoms as well as helping to actually get rid of the infection.

Current Location

Denton, TX 76205

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