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  • @dhscratch


    Update (for those who may have a similar interest): I just iframed the activity feed into where I wanted it (stripping out page content on activity feed page (.page-id-0000 [adding:] #id [or] .class { display:none} ) where necessary. Quick, easy, though I guess not very sophisticated, fix.



    Update: (newbie hack): i copied outer html into page and it all works except for @user function… and not sure if it will update content for stream… (I’m very beginner here).



    Thanks @venutius, but I’m really hoping to get a solution that maintains full functionality of buddypress native activity stream page (e.g., ability to @users and toggle between mentions, friends, groups)… really would love to know how to access and edit the html structure of buddypress pages I guess…

    Thanks again!




    I don’t believe either of these actually support the action/event I’m looking to implement, however, though I may be failing to see this configuration.

    I see they allow buddypress users to add their own media/galleries to library/post/page by uploading from personal computer through UI, but I’m actually looking to allow them to have the option to “add to my library” from media items we publish to front end of our central site. e.g., I am a user who encounters a media file on front-end of a page/post and I want to move that media file into my individual WP media library, specific to my buddypress account, without having to download and reupload.

    Again, I understand I may not be being clear on what I’m looking for due to my lack of web dev knowledge/language.



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