Hi @kainelabsteam
I have desactivated all the plugins besides Buddypress and changed the theme, it is not OK,
so I am sure that is a problem of a bag register verification, and cannot receive this page. https://si3.photorapide.com/invites/photos/2022/05/27yqvh.jpg
how can I make to display this page ? it is a question.
Thank you !
I have the similar cas, when I uploaded a photo, it showed a red belt as the joint photo: https://si3.photorapide.com/invites/photos/2022/03/148l95.jpg
2 months before, the upload was Ok, than suddenly, it doesn’t work.
For the upload Cover Image is OK.
my WP is 5.9.2
Buddypress 10.1.0
Can someone help me ?
thank you so much !