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  • @djduckworth


    This turned out to be very simple. The pages such as Profile were sub pages of a page called buddypress. Changed each so they had no parent page.

    So now the author bio automatically links to profile pages, but the theme is configured to looking for /buddypress/xyz



    I think it must have been a plugin of some sort. I re-uploaded the theme files and the profiles now load correctly.



    Yeah I upgraded from 1.6. There are no specific settings to turning on/off the accordion script. I’ve contacted the theme developer also. I’ll post here one I hear back.



    Firefug is showing the following:

    jQuery(“.accordion”).accordion is not a function
    [Break On This Error]

    jQuery(“.accordion”).accordion({ header: “h3.accordion-title” });

    Does that mean it’s a conflict with the theme? Accordion is a shortcode feature of the theme.



    Here is a screenshot of the folder structure via FTP



    No just the one installation. Manually uploaded the WP files to the root web folder of the server, then installed the buddypress as a plugin.

    No multiple copies, no multisite.

    I did have one weird problem when I first installed. I was fooling around with ‘frontend posting’ plugins just before the 1.6 release of buddypress. The database structure broke which stopped the wordpress admin area from working properly (I think because the JS weren’t loading). So I deleted the database entries for buddypress then reinstalled and it was fixed. Then I upgraded to 1.6.

    I don’t see how this would cause the problem however.

    Anyone have any ideas?



    OK, I think i’ll work with a developer to make a plugin to list all users in order of rank according to points.



    Is it unusual that my website has buddypress in the URL at all?



    Worked perfectly! Thanks @mercime.



    Hmm, the one I’ve set up seems to use buddypress.

    The homepage links a username to /buddypress/members/admin/



    Ah hey Paul, I didn’t realise you were the developer for Achievements. Amazing plugin! I’ll chat you you via email when you get to it.



    Yeah I have. However there are two limitations with Buddystream

    1) Sharing features only share activity and not blog posts themselves. This means a different plug altogether is required for rewarding the sharing of blog posts.

    2) The achievements integration only allows for ‘connecting’ a social media account, not actually using the sharing features.

    The ideal for my project is to provide achievements and points for sharing activity and sharing blog posts.



    I tried pasting the code in backticks, but the post doesn’t seem to show up.

    Just wondering if there is a way to modify the plugin code to use the excerpt rather than first few paragraphs.



    Just tried it out and it works perfectly :)

    Buddypress 1.6 and WordPress 3.4.1.

    However it doesn’t use the excerpt, it uses the first X of the post. It actually pulls quite a lot which is not so good for SEO since it will produce a lot of duplicate content.

    I’ll see if I can find where it defines how much to pull in from the post.



    Thanks Valuser, that’s very helpful. My project only has a central blog that the community contributes to anyway, so this sounds promising. I’ll give it a go and let you know how it goes. It might requires a bit of hacking if it’s so old.

    Anyone interested in some paid development to update the plugin if it isn’t working?



    It’s a regular install of WordPress. Just want to be able to customise the buddypress folder name.



    Additionally, is it possible to display a tiny thumbnail of the last 4 achievements earned?



    I’m not using groups, or multi sites. This is a central community blog that members can contribute to.



    Additionally, is it possible for this link to include the Google rel=author tag so that if the user has a Google+ profile link on their profile, there will be markup for their post?

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