6 years, 11 months ago
I log in when I deactivate BBPRess
I have tried switching themes – still same issue.
Just done some testing
I have run test using Google Inspect and I get
Request URL: http://www.getswing.co.uk/wp-login.php Request Method: POST Status Code: 403 Forbidden Remote Address: Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
When I run it on a responsive sit using Google Inspect – I get in
Request URL: http://www.getswing.co.uk/wp-login.php Request Method: POST Status Code: 302 Found Remote Address: Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
When I use http://www.getswing.co.uk/wp-admin/
It works on mobile
No – as I no longer had the option to login vi a BuddyPress
Its the login widget on this page that is the issue and disappears when i deactivate the plugins