David replied to the topic Groupblog Plugin questions in the forum Miscellaneous 14 years, 4 months ago
I final got what I was looking for. Here is the code if anyone wants to try it or use it. Paste it in the functions.php of your child themes. What it does is removes the orginal function for the “My Blogs” link in the admin bar and I then made my own function that calls that original function only if the user has a blog. Thus anyone that is just a…[Read more]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic Groupblog Plugin questions in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
I final got what I was looking for. Here is the code if anyone wants to try it or use it. Paste it in the functions.php of your child themes. What it does is removes the orginal function for the “My Blogs” link in the admin bar and I then made my own function that […]
David R Labbe joined the group buddypress.org Ninjas 14 years, 4 months ago
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic Groupblog Plugin questions in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
I final got what I was looking for. Here is the code if anyone wants to try it or use it. Paste it in the functions.php of your child themes. What it does is removes the orginal function for the “My Blogs” link in the admin bar and I then made my own function that […]
David R Labbe started the forum topic Groupblog Plugin questions in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
@MariusOoms This can actually be for anyone that can help. First the pugin is perfect for what I need, but just trying to get used to how it all functions within the site and how the member roles play. My issue that I am trying to solve is as follows. I have groups that i create […]
David posted an update 14 years, 4 months ago
@travel-junkie I got it working. Thanks. I will download the events plugin this week. Great work!
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic Buddyvents 1.2.2 in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 4 months ago
@travel-junkie thanks for the reply. I will get it this week for sure. I tried getting the signup plugin, but every time i tried to log on in the processing checkout it did not recognize my username or password…any ideas?
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic Buddyvents 1.2.2 in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years, 4 months ago
@travel-junkie I am in the united states and would love to purchase the plugin. I went to the site and tried but it kept asking for a domain license when I tried to add it to the cart. What is that? and do I need it? also what is the conversion rate for US dollars? […]
David R Labbe joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 14 years, 4 months ago
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
@boonebgorges I got it working….it was white space in the php. I did a search and others had the same issue. Something so small can turn into hours of hair pulling. I am for sure getting a crash course in php, but loving it. Thanks again and I think everything is the way I need it […]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
@boonebgorges works perfect! thanks. I have hopefully one last issue that completely has me stumped. It works on my testing machine, but when I put it live I get errors. It has to do with me including the above idea but using my own custom data table. I insert my own form and add it with […]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
@boonebgorges Once again thanks for the help. I used the code above but noticed that the database dose not take in the data when the group is created. It will only work if once the group is created and then I re-enter the information in the “country” form and the submit that the database updates with […]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
@boonebgorges My plan has hit a snag. I am having trouble using what you gave me above to include more then one set of form markups. Let me explain…if I include something like function bbg_extra_group_fields_markup() { ?> this form is for a new data table that I created } add_action( ‘groups_custom_group_fields_editable’,…[Read more]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
sorry yes bp-custom.php. That was a bad on my part in the post. I used “bp” in the site. I think i will just keep things the way they are as they are working. Thanks again.
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
@boonebgorges thanks for the help! My php skills have increased a notch from just playing with this….not to mention of having a better understanding of BP. I used the trick above, but put a major twist on it. I took it to a new level and created new tables within the database so I can organize […]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
Just tested it. I made a functions.php in my child theme and it works….well not really. I have the extra form field showing, but it is not working. I added the extra field to the database, but it is not working. I will have to test it more, but at least I now have some […]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
thanks so much for the reply. The code all makes sense…. just a question of where to insert it? I am working with a child theme so can I create a custom function.php file within my child theme? Also…is that all it will take is to insert the functions into the functions.php file(if that is […]
David R Labbe posted on the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
any help would be greatly appreciated…thanks
David R Labbe started the forum topic New Group creation fields in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
I am learning php and I am not at the level in how BP is written so it is hard for me to break down all that code at this time. So with that said I need some help. I would like to create a new field in the group creation process. For example…when someone […]
David R Labbe started the forum topic admin and moderator checks in the group Miscellaneous: 14 years, 4 months ago
What is the best way to check if the user of the group is a admin or moderator?
I am looking for something like this in the group-header.phpif (group_admin)
display thisif (group_moderator)
display thisI am looking to add some custom fields, but just looking for the condition logic at this moment.
thanks - Load More
Active 10 years, 11 months ago