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  • @doctorproctor


    Yes, I’m attempting to use the BuddyPress default theme…see original post.



    Thanks. I wasn’t able to do auto upgrade, so in fact did it manually. Again, my problem seems to be that the BuddyPress theme can no longer be “activated,” even though it *is* the active theme; this affects the entire widgets interface, which seems to function fine (vs. the link you posted) but it refers to the wrong theme! Further ideas welcome.



    The above (remove admin bar on all but BP site) did not work for me…see

    It appears that $current_site->blog_id is always equal to 1 on my site, no matter which site I’m on. Ideas?



    Can anyone please confirm the following from my previous requests: (a) that BuddyPress secondary blog installations on a WP multisite are not restricted to the secondary blog (i.e., a network-activate-only plugin), and more to the point, (b) how I can deactivate the admin bar from *only* the main site (note that by following the recommendations above, it’s removed from both sites, but this is due to blog_id being stuck at 1 no matter which blog I’m on). At this point I’ve gotten nowhere, and am seriously wondering whether BuddyPress is a good idea on a multisite.

    As a final request, my BP account for this forum is set to receive email notifications, but I have yet to receive one email of a posting to this thread; this behavior does not happen with similar forums to which I’m subscribed.



    Latest, I believe (WP 3.0.4, BP 1.2.7), installed from fresh download yesterday.



    To diagnose the problem, I edited the code recommended in by using a literal, i.e. replacing




    With n = 1 (the main site, where I don’t want BuddyPress admin bar), the admin bar is disabled from *both* this site and the BuddyPress site (blog 2); with n = 2 (the BuddyPress blog), the admin bar is enabled for both!

    This has confirmed that, in my installation, $current_site->blog_id is stuck at 1 no matter whether I’m on the main site or the BuddyPress subdirectory.

    Again, I suspect my BuddyPress secondary blog installation is not working correctly, which may explain the above, but ideas quite welcome!



    Okay, now I do think my secondary blog installation is not working, as when I implemented the above via bp-custom.php, the admin bar was removed from *both* my main blog (where I don’t want it) and secondary blog (where I do want it).

    I’m looking at the instructions for BP secondary blog installation, and the grammar of step 1 is a bit perplexing:

    “In order to run Buddypress on a secondary blog, you should create a second blog and modify BuddyPress’ internal settings to set your new blog as the BP root blog. Next [what do they mean by “Next” here? I see what follows as the same instruction], define the ‘root’ blog you would like BuddyPress to reside at by adding the code snippet below to wp-config.php [this part is simple].”

    The code I added to wp-config.php following instructions for WP network (multisite) and BP secondary blog is:

    `define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
    define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );
    define( ‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false );
    $base = ‘[mysite]/’;
    define( ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘[myhost]’ );
    define( ‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘[mypath]’ );
    define( ‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1 );
    define( ‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1 );

    define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 2 );`

    Where info in [] above has been replaced by literals in my case. The secondary blog is definitely #2; is there something else I’ve missed that (a) results in BP acting like a network plugin (vs. one restricted to the secondary blog) and (b) removes *all* admin bars from both blogs?

    Thanks, all.



    Thank you! Now I have the name right ;-). I guess it was confusing to me that BuddyPress acts as a *network* activate/deactivate plugin, with settings that span all blogs on the network, in spite of that whole secondary blog installation I did following the instructions at

    Did I somehow not perform that secondary blog installation correctly, or is this just how BuddyPress works?

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