ekawaii posted a new activity comment 15 years ago
I’m having the same issue, no link under Buddypress in admin to this mod and I don’t have one under settings either and I as well could not find a save button in the dashboard. I’m running WP 2.9.2 and BP
ekawaii joined the group Buddypress Group CSS 15 years ago
ekawaii posted an update 15 years ago
@warut Thank you for your reply, I greatly appreciate it! Looking forward to this feature in the next release, thank you for your hard work!
ekawaii posted on the forum topic Avatar Min & Max Width/Height (no square avatars) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Anyone have any ideas that can point me in the right direction? I’d greatly appreciate it~
ekawaii started the forum topic Avatar Min & Max Width/Height (no square avatars) in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Hello, I read in a past post that was about a year old (can’t find the link now >_<;) about having avatars that are not square and that a patch was made and I dug around but could not find a link to a old patch to even see how it was done. I'm not […]
ekawaii posted on the forum topic BP username in BBpress instead of required name field in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Yay, I found a plugin that disables display names and forces to show the username on all your bbpress. You can find the plugin here: https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/disable-display-name/
I’ve tested it on bbpress version 1.0.2 integrated with buddypress and wordpress 2.9.2 and so far no bugs.
ekawaii posted on the forum topic BP username in BBpress instead of required name field in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
@intimez Thank you for your reply. I’m currently using that plugin that @r-a-y created and it works great with my buddypress/group forums however I also have an external bbpress install so I can have a true forum for my website as well. It uses the same table as wordpress and buddypress and I have it fully integrated […]
ekawaii started the forum topic BP username in BBpress instead of required name field in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Hello, I have buddypress and bbpress deeply integrated and when the user posts a topic it’s showing their ‘Name’ field. I find this a bit confusing because I’m using the plugin where it shows the usernames everywhere on my site to be consistent. I cannot figure out how to get bbpress to show the username […]
ekawaii posted an update 15 years ago
@suncat Thank you~ :3
ekawaii posted an update 15 years ago
@Claudia Thank you~ :3
ekawaii posted an update 15 years ago
testing out my new avatar :3
ekawaii started the forum topic xProfile Custom Fields & Profile User Css Customization in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 15 years ago
Hello, I’ll break this down into 2 parts. ———————————————- xProfile Custom Fields ———————————————- I’ve looked around and can’t seem to find the solution to my problem. Basically what I’m trying to do is display a Headline at the top of my users profile if they have filled out the custom…[Read more]
ekawaii posted on the forum topic How to force member to have enough points to send a BuddyPress Gift in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 15 years ago
@xberserker No problem, thank YOU for putting it together!
@thekmen Yup, your exactly right. Simply put the gifts folder with the screen.php file inside into your child theme and then when you upgrade your changes will still be there.
ekawaii posted on the forum topic How to force member to have enough points to send a BuddyPress Gift in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 15 years ago
I got it working, you can take a look at what I changed here: http://pastebin.com/Snb26B31
It’s my full screen.php file, I didn’t change much.. just mainly changed things to else: and endif; on the lines that you added and that got it working for me.
Thank you again!
ekawaii posted on the forum topic How to force member to have enough points to send a BuddyPress Gift in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 15 years ago
@xberserker Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together. I checked out the URL and replaced my screen.php with the one that you provided in your link however when I click on my gift link (http://domain.com/members/user/gifts/) I get the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in…[Read more]
ekawaii posted on the forum topic Able to send a gift even though the points are negative and I have 0 points in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 15 years ago
Thanks for the update :3
ekawaii posted on the forum topic Able to send a gift even though the points are negative and I have 0 points in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 15 years ago
@xberserker Thank you I appreciate it~
ekawaii started the forum topic Able to send a gift even though the points are negative and I have 0 points in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 15 years ago
Hello, I have this plugin enabled along with buddypress gifts. WP 2.9.2 & BP 1.2.3. I have it set so sending gifts costs points (-50). It’s letting me send gifts even though my points are at 0. Is there any way we can have it check if our points = 0 then display an error […]
ekawaii posted an update in the group BuddyPress Gifts: 15 years ago
@warut is there a way for members to send gifts to themselves? I’m using this along with the BP cubepoints plugin and I’m trying to make it like a reward for my users where they can also purchase the gift for themselves using their points
ekawaii joined the group BuddyPress Gifts 15 years ago
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I’ll be sure to check it in 2.9.2 before I commit the next change.