14 years, 3 months ago
I was able to accomplish this by simply installing https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/forum-server/
Here’s what I came up with and it works the way I need it..
I added the following function to the “buddypress/bp-forums/bp-forums-templatetags.php” file.
`function bp_the_short_topic_title() { echo bp_get_the_short_topic_title(); } function bp_get_the_short_topic_title() { global $forum_template; $topic = $forum_template->topic->topic_title;
if (strlen($topic) > 35) { $output = substr($topic, 0, 35).’…’; } else { $output = $forum_template->topic->topic_title; } return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_the_topic_title’, stripslashes($output) ); }`
then just replaced bp_the_topic_title() with bp_the_short_topic_title() where I needed it shortened.
bump on this.
worked, thanks!