Can i check how you resolved this, do i add the code above to the bottom on the public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/functions.php file or which one ?
I don’t mind keeping the BP default theme as it seems to work, however i need the header larger so my banner show better as its still to be to be re sized and is there anyway of having a sidebar on both the left and right?
Ok i seen your comment, but for some reason its still not working for me- see screen shot- the box that says Whats new, test3, It does not have a post or sumbit button anywhere.
I’m using WP version 3.5.1 and BP version 1.6.5 and IE version 9. I’m using the BuddyPress Scholar theme. My site is and the test username is test3 and horses1 is the password. Thanks