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  • @erikshosting


    i’ve pretty much bent the bp admin bar over a barrel through the different jobs i’ve had. Why don’t you take a look through my posts, and if you need something else send me a comment or contact request.



    Hey There!
    I built a plugin that locks all subscribers out of EVERY page in the dashboard and redirects them to their buddypress profile page. If buddypress isnt installed, it redirects them to /wp-admin/profile.php and stops the redirect on that page only..

    Check it out here:



    I built a plugin that does exactly this! Hooray! Someone needs it!

    When a subscriber attempts to access any /wp-admin/ page they are redirected to their buddypress profiles!
    If there is no buddypress installed, then /wp-admin/profile.php doesnt redirect, and all other dash pages redirect to it.

    I just submitted it to the plugin repository minutes ago!

    Check It Out Here:



    and adding all your wordpress pages to the menu dynamically..

    There’s also a snippet for putting the pages into a drop down menu instead of straight across the top..



    Im not sure why it only solves part of your problems.. But I wrote up an article complete with plugin to dynamically add all your pages to the buddypress bar.. Maybe this will help?



    Hey this thread might be a little bit old.. But I wrote up a tutorial on adding menu items, drop down menus, & drop downs with flyouts Via a plugin so its all upgrade safe.
    The link is here:

    Here is another tutorial on how to remove the downward facing arrows from certain bp menu items:



    Just thought I’d mention that I had this issue and solved it by checking that the blogs.dir folder AND ALL SUBFOLDERS, RECURSIVELY, were set to ownership by ‘apache’ and had 775 permissions.

    This took some time to trouble shoot, as it turned out my host was only setting the blogs.dir folder to ownership by ‘apache’ and not its sub-folders. I had to specifically ask a second tech support guy to check the sub-folders for me before I figured this out.

    ‘apache’ needs to be the owner on apache machines, the rest should have the main ftp user as the owner (you may have to enable group permissions so you can still edit them)

    I Hope this article I wrote helps:



    I just wanted to mention that adding the
    #wp-admin-bar ul { margin-left: 0 !important; }
    line of code to my stylesheet, killed the flyout menus on my custom buddypress admin bar links.. Just wanted to mention it here, as I couldn’t find it anywhere else on the next. so, basically, adding a 0 margin-left to wp-admin bar ul, will kill the fly out, sideways, sub-sub page, or grand child pages on the buddypress admin bar.



    Anyway. Now that its all said and done. I’m still upset I cant affect the ‘posts’ bp_nav tab. I’ve got it down, I change the of any other tab and it works. just not the ‘posts’ tab.

    I have tried this in a /plugins/ file, a /mu-plugins/ file and the child theme functions… no luck.

    function erocks_change_bp_tag_position()
    global $bp;

    $bp->bp_nav = 10;
    $bp->bp__nav = 20;
    $bp->bp_nav = 35;
    $bp->bp_nav = 40;
    $bp->bp_nav = 50;
    $bp->bp_nav = 60;
    $bp->bp_nav = 70;
    $bp->bp_nav = 80;
    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘erocks_change_bp_tag_position’, 999 );



    What about ? have you had any luck modifying that? it doesnt seem to respond to the same syntax as all the other tabs..



    so $bp->bp_nav = (‘../posts’); changes the slug.. that takes care of that.
    only problem is. I need the menu to show up for logged out users as well.
    would this be wp_users_nav? if so i can’t seem to get the syntax of that down..



    Yah, the 999 is good to remember, but it isnt helping here..

    so basically I figure that is getting written over. because when i change the name to anything else, it displays, but if i call it posts, it does nothing which makes me think its working properly, just getting overwritten down the way..

    So, basically I figure i’ll just do this:

    function erocks_change_bp_tag_position()
    global $bp;

    $bp->bp_nav = 20;
    $bp->bp_nav = $current_user->user_login . ‘/posts’;
    $bp->bp_nav = __( ‘Gigs’, ‘buddypress’ );

    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘erocks_change_bp_tag_position’, 999 );

    Basically this method works. but it doesnt register the slug… If I could get that sorted, I’d be set. any assistance would be appreciated



    Thanks for your suggestions. I checked it out, and I have the name right. It looks like I am calling the posts tab correctly, but it is getting overridden somewhere else… lame



    epic. I’m reordering the nav like so:

    function erocks_change_bp_tag_position()
    global $bp;

    $bp->bp_nav = 10;
    $bp->bp_nav = 20;
    $bp->bp_nav = 30;
    $bp->bp_nav = 40;
    $bp->bp_nav = 50;
    $bp->bp_nav = 60;
    $bp->bp_nav = 70;
    $bp->bp_nav = 80;
    $bp->bp_nav = __( ‘My Profile’, ‘buddypress’ );
    $bp->bp_nav = __( ‘Gigs & Posts’, ‘buddypress’ );

    add_action( ‘bp_init’, ‘erocks_change_bp_tag_position’ );

    inside my bp_custom admin bar plugin php file
    but the second one doesnt respond..

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