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  • @ethanvan


    Excellant point @drill_sgt.lewis! All I’m asking for is some cooperation and to be taken seriously.



    Oh and another thing…

    “numerous people have come into the forums and demanded change, talked about how much they dislike everything, and “if only we’d do X” that person would finally be able to do Y and Z, and it’s totally “the core team” that are holding them back.

    That’s crap.”

    No, it’s not crap, it’s called not listening to the community.



    “You’re an editor on the codex; if you want to edit, no one is stopping you. If you want to improve the organization of the pages and content, great — do it!”

    I’m not seeing how I can reorganize the codex if I can’t even “create new topic” (which should actually say create new page, entry or post). All I can do is edit what is there. Go to the buddybar and click create new topic ANYWHERE in this site and you get “page not found”. If that’s the wrong link then where’s the right one?

    I was thinking about automation actually and that’s why I want a clean slate but you are so high and mighty that you don’t even realize the codex editing structuring functionality is non-existant to my user access level. It’s basically a glorified forum to me. So you explain to me mr high and mighty @johnjamesjacoby where these alleged tools of creation and organization are. Where are they John?



    Lol you should @modemlooper. It works… sometimes. ;)



    I didn’t realize that MediaWiki powered the WP codex… I quite like the WP powered codex idea I just meant that the BP codex should be organized like it is at WP.

    @johnjamesjacoby – It’s already been admitted that the last attempt at the codex was a fail due to lack of leadership and everyone just doing whatever… So keeping that mentality is futile and is holding back the success of the codex. I’m not here to kiss butt and brown nose. I’m here to do a job that I won’t get paid for that will help YOU and YOUR project immensely because it needs to be done. Don’t get righteous about “earning the right” to be a leader of the codex team when your plan is not to have one.

    Someone should take the reigns and build a structured codex team and I see no other person stepping up except myself. I expect that I should be allowed this privilege solely on the basis that I am willing to do so, and additionally, have many years of leadership experience. If I fail, you lose nothing and get to have a laugh at me, but if I succeed, the amount of praise and respect BP will gain will be immeasurable.

    So, please let us put our pride away for a minute, stop addressing leadership rights, and concentrate on organizing a codex team and getting it structured in a way that lends itself to productivity and direction.

    I agree with you @hnla we need to stay focused. I realize we need to have a deeper scope within the codex. What I think should happen first though is building the lists and descriptions of functions, hooks and filters, the reference. Then we have a base page for everything. Later we can go into deeper coverage and provide example code etc.. Any project this large needs to be completed in phases.

    @modemlooper, @johnjamesjacoby, I don’t feel dismissed, the codex was being dismissed. Anyways, that’s going to change.

    The very, very first thing I think should happen is setting up a clean slate to build on. Keep the codex up as is for now but give me a new, private, clean slate to create version indexes and add pages for each function, filter and hook. We can point to the new codex when phase one is complete. The reason I want to use pages is so I can implement a parented structure. Are there any objections to this? Any other ideas? Anyone wanna slap me? ;)



    I noticed that when you click on the version numbers in the current codex you get notes about the release. IMO that’s wrong. Release notes should be clearly divided into their own section. Those links should lead you to that version’s codex index. Also, I don’t think we need to have those posts showing there below the codex, not to anyone who isn’t administrating it. That just distracts people. The access to editing the codex should be restricted to the codex team. This will eliminate the possibility of vandalism or misinformation.

    I wish I could restructure it, however I have no access to moving things. At least that’s the way it appears. I would copy the WP codex structure exactly and insert the information just as it is in the WP codex if I could be allowed to do so.

    I’ll setup a project manager for this and we can get some real good done. Core team, do you have a place that I can setup a project manager for the codex or do you have one already? Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Aslo, what about getting prerelease heads-ups and notes say…two weeks before a release happens so I can make sure that the codex is updated either simultaneous to or previous to the new release?

    Tasks that need to be done (for each version) are:
    * List all of the hooks in a text file.
    * LIst all of the filters in a text file.
    * Describe all of the hooks in a text file.
    * Describe all of the filters in a text file.
    * Rebuild the current codex structure to mirror the WP codex.

    Creating a simplified plain text based prerelease notification system that I can use to keep the codex ahead of releases would be incredibly awesome.

    Example: “hook_name/function_name/filter_name” – “very brief description” [path/to/file-name.php:line#]

    Codex contributors are as equally important as the core team, period. These two teams compliment each other and need to be recognized as equals by the whole community. As a contributor to the codex you ensure that plugin developers have all the information they need to provide full compatibility and more reliable plugins.

    If there is something I missed PLEASE point it out to me! We need to have every duck in a row for this to be successful.



    @Boris – Release often release fast is only good for monetized projects that have a well organized and paid team that keeps the same file structure AND hook/filter names OR has a paid and dedicated documentation team. Just because you can link to a wikipedia on your point doesn’t mean it’s correct.

    When you start releasing completely different structures in each new version you ruin it for the open source community without having proper documentation. Period, no argument can be made against that fact.

    @djpaul – When releases completely change the codex, yes it does have a direct correlation. Are you not seeing the drop-off in new plugins? I wonder why that is… Three releases per year is doable and the codex could catch up if you maintain the current structure and only add new hooks or filters. The whole community is struggling to get insight into the new structure.

    From my perspective it appears that the core team holds themselves above documenting, as if it would belittle them. Specially after reading @modemlooper ‘s comment; “Also I feel some of the non developers in the BuddyPress community should jump in to contribute. If i had more time i would but i use my time for development not documentation. Thanks for your effort!”. That comment is dismissive at best. How do you expect non-developers to write a codex for something that you need to understand code to write? Talk about putting your foot in your mouth.

    I do agree with you about structuring the BP codex based on the WP codex. Great idea @modemlooper.

    The key to leadership is positive reinforcement and assurance. By having people just do whatever you create a pool of uncertainty. What this codex project needs is a leader that can assure contributors they are doing a great job and assign tasks so each contributor can say; “that’s the section I’m in charge of”.

    I’m glad I sparked up this conversation, it was much needed.



    Well one without the other is just pointless. Hey! Lets make apple pie! It’s the best apple pie ever, but we don’t have any time to write down the recipe… That’s just illogical and so is the release of new versions of BP without documentation. It’s bad practice to say the least and will certainly contribute to the demise of BP eventually.

    Let me know when someone gets serious about BP. I’ll be working on something better organized in the meanwhile. SMH


    Spectator is now I’d say that’s your problem right there.






    I don’t believe there is a hook for that in BP yet but I could be mistaken. @djpaul is right about editing core files.

    @djpaul is there a hook for this in BP?



    FriendPress has been reported to work. I tried it and was unable to make it work with my current versions of WP and BP (the newest). The author reportedly fixed it, but then he removed it from the repo before I could download his update so I’m not sure if this version I have will work with your versions or WP and BP.

    My advice is wait for @aaron-nall to release his plugin.



    I don’t know why you changed the group name in the database… You should have went to and clicked on the “Admin” tab. That allows you to change the group name. hope this helps.

    Also try changing the Name field in ‘wp_bp_groups’ table if you insist on making changes via the database.



    What version of BuddyPress are you using?



    Copy and paste the error please. Thanks.



    I have a copy of the FriendPress plugin. Email me if you would like me to send it to you.



    Good start. Do you need help with graphic design?



    Actually @karmatosed has the best solution. Using the selector CSS in a child theme is the easiest way to fix the button overlap. Aside from that the plugin was working great to start with.



    Search for a plugin that allows upload from sidebar. I’d suggest using the term “sidebar avatar upload”. Or you could write one on top of the BP-Skeleton-Component using hooks.



    I’m not sure I understand what you are asking… Do you want to use this for debugging or are you talking about a CAPCHA plugin error message?



    I never said anything about secrecy. I never said people wouldn’t get compensated if we use their code. And, if you saw the code in the plugins we are gutting you would not be able to say it was unoriginal.

    Hope this clears things up for you, G.



    I don’t see how we can “share” knowledge if you are bound by confidentiality agrement…

    Good luck with your project.



    @karmatosed That’s actually a great point you make!

    Thank you for pointing this out to me. :facepalm:



    We’re actually overhauling these plugins to suit our specific needs. We’ve also added 40+ more plugins since this posting.

    So far no compatibility issues have been noticed . Running WP 3.4.2 / BP 1.6.1



    You didn’t note two different css classes, one for members pages and one for members directory. This fixed the problem I was having with button placement. It’s on line 281 in bp-follow-template.php.

    Granted it’s just a change in the class name by adding a 2 at the end but it makes all the difference for me.

    When I would change the css both the profile follow button and the directory follow button would move. Not any more. Now you can adjust their position and attributes individually (the button wrapper anyways).

    // setup the button arguments
    $button = array(
    ‘id’ => $id,
    ‘component’ => ‘follow’,
    ‘must_be_logged_in’ => true,
    ‘block_self’ => empty( $members_template->member ) ? true : false,
    ‘wrapper_class’ => ‘follow-button ‘ . $id,
    ‘wrapper_id’ => ‘follow-button-‘ . $leader_id,
    ‘link_href’ => wp_nonce_url( $leader_domain . $bp->follow->followers->slug . ‘/’ . $action .’/’, $action . ‘_following’ ),
    ‘link_text’ => $link_text,
    ‘link_title’ => $link_title,
    ‘link_id’ => $class . ‘-‘ . $leader_id,
    ‘link_class’ => $class

    // setup the button arguments
    $button2 = array(
    ‘id’ => $id,
    ‘component’ => ‘follow’,
    ‘must_be_logged_in’ => true,
    ‘block_self’ => empty( $members_template->member ) ? true : false,
    ‘wrapper_class’ => ‘follow-button2 ‘ . $id,
    ‘wrapper_id’ => ‘follow-button-‘ . $leader_id,
    ‘link_href’ => wp_nonce_url( $leader_domain . $bp->follow->followers->slug . ‘/’ . $action .’/’, $action . ‘_following’ ),
    ‘link_text’ => $link_text,
    ‘link_title’ => $link_title,
    ‘link_id’ => $class . ‘-‘ . $leader_id,
    ‘link_class’ => $class

    // Filter and return the HTML button based on the location in BuddyPress
    if (bp_is_directory()) {
    // Return the button class for the Members Directory
    return bp_get_button( apply_filters( ‘bp_follow_get_add_follow_button’, $button2, $leader_id, $follower_id ) );
    } else {
    // Return the button for the Profile Pages
    return bp_get_button( apply_filters( ‘bp_follow_get_add_follow_button’, $button, $leader_id, $follower_id ) );

    I know the bulk of the code is yours and that’s why I credited you.

    Hope this clears up the changes made. :)

    – Ethan

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