7 years, 9 months ago
Cause was found. Issue resolved. One extended profile field (required) has not been loaded to the registration page. Therefore email is not sent. Once the field was deleted, activation mails are sent.
And mails are sent when registered from the back end. Then is it an issue with the
<li style= “color:blue”> ‘complete Sign Up`
button function? Still cannot figure it out.
I disabled facebook login. But the issue stays the same.
I am too getting the same issue. Please elaborate what you did to overcome the issue. Thank you.
Go to the registration page. Add the message in the footer section. ( To be meaningful page should be customized) View this How to Customize And Manage Your Social Networking Site
I don’t remember a plugin. But this video How to Customize And Manage Your Social Networking Site will definitely help you.
On the other hand spammers bypass even the required fields of the registration form and get registered. What should I do?