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  • @fasirathore


    It was not resolved by installing previous version of BuddyPress, I have restored my site discarding recent changes that I made. Now it is working fine.

    Thanks for your time.



    /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 229

    [23-Dec-2023 07:58:30 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “title” on null in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 905

    [23-Dec-2023 07:59:01 UTC] PHP Deprecated: The PSR-0 Requests_... class names in the Requests library are deprecated. Switch to the PSR-4 WpOrg\Requests\... class names at your earliest convenience. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 24

    [23-Dec-2023 08:08:45 UTC] Cron reschedule event error for hook: better_messages_cleaner_job, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {“schedule”:”better_messages_cleaner_job”,”args”:[],”interval”:300}

    [23-Dec-2023 08:11:04 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function print_emoji_styles is deprecated since version 6.4.0! Use wp_enqueue_emoji_styles instead. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031

    [23-Dec-2023 08:32:43 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “title” on null in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 905

    [23-Dec-2023 08:32:54 UTC] PHP Deprecated: File Theme without header.php is deprecated since version 3.0.0 with no alternative available. Please include a header.php template in your theme. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031

    [23-Dec-2023 08:42:41 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function get_page_by_title is deprecated since version 6.2.0! Use WP_Query instead. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031

    [23-Dec-2023 08:43:00 UTC] PHP Deprecated: The PSR-0 Requests_... class names in the Requests library are deprecated. Switch to the PSR-4 WpOrg\Requests\... class names at your earliest convenience. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 24

    [23-Dec-2023 08:44:10 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function get_page_by_title is deprecated since version 6.2.0! Use WP_Query instead. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031

    [23-Dec-2023 11:32:30 UTC] PHP Deprecated: urldecode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 547

    [23-Dec-2023 11:55:40 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 16

    [23-Dec-2023 12:55:50 UTC] PHP Deprecated: urldecode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 547

    [23-Dec-2023 14:04:20 UTC] PHP Warning: file_put_contents(): Exclusive locks may only be set for regular files in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 165

    [23-Dec-2023 14:34:05 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 94

    [24-Dec-2023 11:48:54 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “name” on bool in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 1215

    [24-Dec-2023 11:48:54 UTC] Cron reschedule event error for hook: action_scheduler_run_queue, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {“schedule”:”every_minute”,”args”:[“WP Cron”],”interval”:60}

    [24-Dec-2023 11:49:58 UTC] Cron reschedule event error for hook: better_messages_cleaner_job, Error code: invalid_schedule, Error message: Event schedule does not exist., Data: {“schedule”:”better_messages_cleaner_job”,”args”:[],”interval”:300}

    [24-Dec-2023 11:51:55 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function get_page_by_title is deprecated since version 6.2.0! Use WP_Query instead. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031

    [24-Dec-2023 13:03:21 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1130): Host ‘’ is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 1987

    [24-Dec-2023 13:05:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “name” on bool in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 1215

    [24-Dec-2023 13:05:29 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “name” on bool in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 1215

    [24-Dec-2023 13:05:31 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “name” on bool in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 1215

    [24-Dec-2023 13:42:33 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function bp_core_get_user_domain is deprecated since version 12.0.0! Use bp_members_get_user_url() instead. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031



    Since we have started debuging on this case I have debug log.
    Let me reply all of that in next response, I won’t bother you much.
    If there can be a possible known issue, we can resolve by looking into error log it will be great. Alternatively I will recreate my site from start.



    I have better messages, bbpress and bbp style pack by robin w. These are plugins that have influence over buddypress



    I’m sorry, i just have deactivated bp classic compatibility plugin and the last error message was reason to that, by reactivating it the error disappeared from debug log.

    Is there any way that I can give you access to wordpress so you can see it?



    Yes, I have tried accessing Messages and Notifications from Wp-Admin, and it still logs me out. there is a new error message in debug log. I have added that in previous response.
    I’m sorry im not educated enough to understand it all, so I have difficulty explaining you as well.



    * Fires when the given function triggers a user-level error/warning/notice/deprecation message.
    * Can be used for debug backtracking.
    * @since 6.4.0
    * @param string $function_name The function that was called.
    * @param string $message A message explaining what has been done incorrectly.
    * @param int $error_level The designated error type for this error.
    do_action( ‘wp_trigger_error_run’, $function_name, $message, $error_level );

    if ( ! empty( $function_name ) ) {
    $message = sprintf( ‘%s(): %s’, $function_name, $message );

    $message = wp_kses(
    ‘a’ => array( ‘href’ ),
    array( ‘http’, ‘https’ )

    trigger_error( $message, $error_level );

    The last line is line no 6031



    I’m also surprised from elementor.
    Mathieu thanks for your helping.
    I got another error in debug log
    [24-Dec-2023 13:42:33 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function bp_core_get_user_domain is deprecated since version 12.0.0! Use bp_members_get_user_url() instead. in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 6031



    wp_get_nav_menu_object( $menu_locations[ $location ] )->name
    this is the line 1215



    [24-Dec-2023 13:05:23 UTC] PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “name” on bool in /home/u604108565/domains/ on line 1215
    this is from debug log



    For context, its not just created menu that has this error but also the admin panel profile system from buddypress. Even though, if I click notifications or messages from admin panel profile tab at top right, it will log me out.



    I contacted elementor’s support but they told me that its out of their scope of support.
    What could be the problem causing this, as if I remove elementor and elementor pro, my BP menus work fine.



    You are right, I have deactivated Elementor Plugins and it is no longer logging me out. BP classic was previously activated. I’m contacting elementor support for issue. Also if there are some steps that we need to take from Buddy press side, kindly advise
    Thank you so much Mathieu



    I even have changed the theme as well but it also haven’t resolved it.



    Thanks for reply,
    Yes its BP 12.0.0. My site is not a multisite.
    I could not find anything in debug log.

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