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  • @ffemtkl




    @kriskl – Google updates the public PageRank once every 3-4 months, so do not expect a change anytime soon. PageRank is the “power” of a page based on internal and external links. The fact you just closed a good portion of your site from Google crawlers should cause your PR to drop, because there are less internal links.



    @wordpresschina – Thanks for the suggestion, this is exactly what I was looking for. I really do not understand one thing. Why when someone wants to register they get redirected to the Buddypress version of the registration, but when someone wants to login they go to the standard WP login page? Maybe there is something wrong with my install :(

    Unfortunately, I am importing very basic information so I am not having the same issues as you. The only “special” info I am importing is for s drop down selecting menu. It should be noted that it does not force matching, meaning if the field requires 1 – 10 and the CSV file has 12, it will import the 12. The import only really matches up the columns. FYI… if you type something wrong in the top row like Website instead of “company website” the import will actually create a new xprofile field.

    Hope this helps (or at least answers some questions.



    @intimez – not sure about about export, but you can use the import for Ning as an import option (more of a workaround). read…

    Import from Ning: Import Ning users to WordPress and BuddyPress



    @wordpresschina – I also tested over the weekend and it worked great for me. But I have one issue I would love to be able to solve…

    The e-mail sent out to the new users is the standard WP e-mail (with username, password (sutogenerated) and link to standard WP login screen) and not the one from BuddyPress. I would like to do the following.

    1) Change the text of the e-mail.
    2) lead people to a custom login page

    I know this is not part of the plugin for Ning, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

    By the way, unfortunately I cannot help you with your two issues, I don’t mind that the username is the name (it actually helps me) and I am not importing any date information, so I don’t have the issue. The best I can do is wish you the best of luck.

    Any help on my two above issues would be greatly appreciated.




    @thekmen – Yes, I am currently using it on



    @angangba – you should probably contact the creator of the plugin for help. I also use CaPa and do not think it supports WP 3.0 yet.



    @thekmen – try this plugin,, gives you many options.




    @wordpresschina – I have the same issue as you. One theory for a solutions is to use the import for Ning plugin, .

    You will see in the comments that I asked @boonebgorges if he thought it might be possible to use a regular CSV instead of one generated by Ning. He responded that in theory it should work because the only two required column headers are “name” and “Email” and any other columns would “sniffed out”.

    WARNING: I have not tried this yet and therefore can not tell you if this actually will work.

    If you do try this and have success please let me know.

    – Kalman



    @sbrajesh – I placed your code in my bp-custom.php (should it go in my functions.php?) and I created a new login.php file, but when clicking on “You must be logged in to post a comment.” (“logged in” is a link) I still ended up on the standard wordpress login screen (it even included the redirect back to the post), …/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http… Am I doing something wrong or am I misunderstanding what this code is supposed to do?

    @nickhammond can you post what you put into your login.php file on pastebin? I do not 100% understand your response to @jedisthlm

    Thanks for the help,




    @boonebgorges – can I use your plug-in to import a csv not from Ning? I have a list of students from a university that I want to upload to by WP 2.9.2 and BP (latest version).

    All the plug-ins I have looked into are for BP on WPMU or WP where you cannot import Xprofile data.

    Do you have a sample Ning export file for me to view (or at least the header/first row) so I can try and adjust my csv to work with your plug-in?





    @colleen – I had the same issue, I am currently using this plugin,, it works in WP 2.9.2,to a degree.

    The one thing missing, being able to set it up to have it that logged in members can see profile. Plugin Author says he is working on updating to include that option.



    @r-a-y – Thanks for the tip. I do not get the error message anymore. You plugin seems to work except for one place, the header. There are still 3 links that still link to the subdirectory. I guess I am just going to go with a child theme (does not look to hard to setup) to fix that issue. Hopefully with WP 3.0 and the new BP coming out, this issue will be corrected.



    @r-a-y I am using the most current version of BP,

    I had to remove your code from my bp-custom.php because every time I tried to install a new plugin I got an error saying the header had already been called by bp-custom.php, error on line…






    Read the post and trie the code, no luck (see I have posted my bp-custom.php file here,

    I am running WP 2.9.2 and BP

    Any help would be appreciated.





    I tried you code in my bp-custom.php file, but it is not working. please take a look,, and let me know if you have any suggestions. Here is the code of the bp-custom.php,

    Also, check out the “log In” link in the admin bar at the top of the page, how would I change that link?

    @gian-ava – did you post in Trac?





    Yes, I have a code active that changes the slug of members to alumni (I am running an alumni site). Currently that is the only code I have in the file.

    I will try you plugin to see if it works.

    Does order of code make a difference?



    Usually a flip of a switch and it is not connected to BP but to WP.

    Go to setting –> General and there is a line called “Membership” with a check box that says “Anyone can register”. Select that and save and you should be good to go.




    I have the same issue as you, did you find a fix or did you manually correct the links?




    I placed the code, remove_filter( ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’, ‘xprofile_filter_link_profile_data’, 2 ); , in my bp-custom.php file and it did not work, any ideas?

    Your plugin is not supported in 2.9.2, any plans to update or are you moving directly to 3.0?





    You might also want to try this plugin,, read the third option

    “Administrators can specify certain profile fields that link to social networking profiles. If I enter my Twitter handle ‘boonebgorges’ into a field labeled ‘Twitter’, for example, this plugin will bypass the default link to a BuddyPress search on ‘boonebgorges’ and instead link to See custom-profile-filters-for-buddypress-bp-functions.php to configure this setting.”

    You might be able to hack it in a way that works for your site.



    Not sure if this will help you, but you might consider trying this trick (see post by Boone Gorges),

    Hope this helps.



    I use a plugin called CaPa Protect,, maybe this could help you.





    I found an answer to my second questions. There is a plugin that allows you to set runs for each profile field,

    Still looking for a solution to my first question. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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