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  • fjpaul1 posted an update 13 years, 8 months ago

    @MrWiblog I would like to give my users ability to add a person as a family member, friend, or other contact. Instead of a current “add a friend” button in Buddypress, it would have another button label “add a contact” or “FFO” button {FFO = Family, Friend, Other contact). Then the user will have the ability to assign this particular contact to…[Read more]

  • I am new to Buddypress and I am pretty sure this has probably been asked before.

    But, is it possible to add a family option to Buddypress’s core components? To have a family option just like the friend option.


  • fjpaul1 posted an update 13 years, 8 months ago

    @DJPaul Paul,
    I am new to WordPress and Buddypress. I am trying to tweak buddypress. I wanted to know if there are any plans to add a “family” to the core component to Buddypress? I would like to give my users ability to add a person as a friend or as a family member or both. In which each “wall” would be separate from one another and peo…[Read more]

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