yeah I think WP does support SQL Server 2008 but I am wondering if BuddyPress does?
I know the requirements for BuddyPress is an installation of WordPress but BuddyPress runs on MySQL it seems so not sure how to migrate a WP on SQL Server over to BP?
Thanks for the reply.
Well, I want to set up a community type website where users can:
– Register as a member
– If already a registered member, log in and join a group or create their own group
– Use forums, blogs, see events (or for group owners to set up new events and publiscise them), email others within their group(s), share documents in their group and discuss any of the above (provide feedback on documents, blog entries and events etc).
– Be able to browse restricted content belonging to groups they are not a member of
– General forum for all the groups within the community
Hope that makes sense!
Wordpress won the best CMS of the year last year in some poll so perhaps I got it confused?