Active 7 years, 8 months ago
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Hi @djpaul .
This was only a cosmetic decision, I prefer to send emails from an address of my choice.
Great work BuddyPress team.
add_action( 'bp_email', function( $email_type, &$email_obj ) { $email_obj->set_from( "custom@example.com", "Custom Website Name" ); }, 10, 2 );
This is an issue of buddypress?.
Are there equivalent filters to buddypress?Sorry for my english…..
This work….
function member_profile_test(){ if( !bp_is_user()){ return; } $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); $member_type = bp_get_member_type($user_id); if($member_type !== 'coaches' && !is_super_admin() && !bp_is_my_profile()) bp_core_redirect( 'Your choice' ); } add_action('bp_init','member_profile_test');
Yes,,,,, it works….
Thank’s imath
Ok,,,, problem is child-theme, probability (99%) css file for child theme..
Same for me, zerif-lite theme,,,
In code I see:<div id="cover-image-container"> <a href="https://xxxxxxxx.xxx/users/xxxxxxxx/" id="header-cover-image"></a> <div id="item-header-cover-image"> <div id="item-header-avatar"> <a href="https://xxxxxxxx.xxx/users/xxxxxxxx/"> <img width="150" height="150" alt="Foto del perfil de Master" class="avatar user-1-avatar avatar-150 photo" src="https://xxxxxxxxx.xxx/wp-content/uploads/avatars/1/b45657b1912757efcde570fe0957fca0-bpfull.png"> </a> </div><!-- #item-header-avatar --> <div id="item-header-content"> <div id="item-buttons"></div><!-- #item-buttons --> <span class="activity">activo hace 2 minutos</span> <div id="item-meta"> </div><!-- #item-meta --> </div><!-- #item-header-content --> </div><!-- #item-header-cover-image --> </div>
No picture img link, no css background-image.
In the administration panel for each user the option to change the cover image not exist.How is implemented ?, css background or image link?
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