Forum Replies Created
Thanks a lot for the pointers!
The important trick seems to be to grab the ‘wp’ hook, check if the current request is for the custom page and then load the content. I’m still struggling with the BuddyPress-Template-Framework (bp_core_load_template just won’t cooperate), but I think I’ll just stick with directly loading my templates via load_template() for now. Since I’m not going to distribute the code, this hopefully won’t be too much of a problem.
Thanks again!
@r-a-y: Yes, I did.
@TheEasyButton: That’s a bit too complicated.
I could just remove the buggy group and I think that would solve the problem. I’m merely leaving it out of curiosity to see if there is a real fixable bug behind it. Down-/Upgrading to alpha 6 would also just be a workaround and I think the group-deleting would be the easier workaround in this case.
I also did not have any trouble with the update otherwise. Everything (except this one group) works smoothly and bbPress does not complain about anything. So I guess the update worked.
But thanks for the input.
Nope, still nothing. Maybe a group forum just can’t be called “Test” for some reason?
Update to bbPress 1.0.1 didn’t help either, by the way…
bb-config was untouched by the update. I deleted the old bbpress and then uploaded the new one. xmprpc is still enabled in bbpress admin. Everything looks normal in buddypress forums setup. When I create a new group, both wire and forum are activated by default.
BUT: When I create a new group, everything works smoothly. A new forum is created and I can post topics.
I also just managed to sucessfully create a group forum for an old group. It seems that just the one group that I originally used for testing did not work and still does not.
For me that makes things “good enough”, because I can just delete this one old group. It was a test group anyway. I’m just wondering whether I should mark this thread as resolved, although the original problem is not resolved, just less troublesome.
I contacted my host about the problem and they could indeed fix it. Everything is working fine now.
Thanks a lot!
Removing the custom groups slug brought back the activity, but not the friendships activity. Removing the custom members slug brought back the friendship activity.
I think I’ll abondon the custom slugs for now, because they are causing too much trouble.
New friendships also leave an empty space.
Uhm… I just joined and left a group for testing and all that shows up on the activities is blank space. In the feed, there is just an empty item with only the date set. Additionally, this error showed up when I left the group:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_group_avatar_thumb() in /[path to WPMU]/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-groups/bp-groups-templatetags.php on line 309
Yes, fixing the css is easy. I just think it would be easier for everyone if the element ids would not be named dynamically. I see no reason to change the css id when the slug changes. Making them static would make changing slugs way easier.
But this is only a suggestion for a general improvement of the default theme. Personally, I already adjusted my css.
Glad to hear that the activity links will be all right for new activities. Thanks for the info!
I’m using WPMU 2.7.1 and BP 1.0.1
Another problem: In the global activity widget which is displayed on the home page, only the first two entries use the updated member slugs. The older ones still use the old ones which results in broken links. The same problem occurs in the activity rss feed. Any idea why this may be?
I added the same options in bp-custom.php and now it works. Thanks, Burt!
But new problems arose: When I change BP_XPROFILE_SLUG, the profile is not accessible anymore because it results in an infinite redirection loop.
Also, all navigation icons of slugs that I changed disappear. The default member theme seems to generate the list ids from the slugs. So now li#my-friends becomes li#my-freunde and the corresponding css breaks. I can easily change that, but wouldn’t it be better for the default theme to use fixed ids?
I could fix the last error by switching to PHP5.
The sayhello test and the group forums are still not working, though.
I just noticed that every attempt to post something in any (non-group) forum leads to a screen filled with the following error message:
Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /[path to bbpress]/my-plugins/buddypress-enable.php on line 53
Thanks for the quick reply and the debugging options!
This is the result:
“-32300 >> transport error – HTTP status code was not 200”
I guess that is not good.
xmlrpc.php is reachable and returns 200 on a GET (although it seems to require POST)