Slava Abakumov replied to the topic Ravatar (random / custom avatar) adaptation for Buddypress (extending bp_core_fetch_avatar) in the forum Creating & Extending 12 years ago
Is there any ETA when it will be ready for testing? -
Reezo posted on the forum topic Ravatar (random / custom avatar) adaptation for Buddypress (extending bp_core_fetch_avatar) in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
@grimbog: This is interesting. Hope to hear good news soon.
Dimensionmedia posted on the forum topic Ravatar (random / custom avatar) adaptation for Buddypress (extending bp_core_fetch_avatar) in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
Was there any progress on this? I was interested in the same thing, whether if it’s code or an actual plugin.
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