gskole started the forum topic Getting posts to nest in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 3 months ago
I am trying to make it so that when someone receives and email notification about a new post or an update to a post in the group they belong to, that when they click the link from their email, it will take them directly to the reply they are answering instead of the general post […]
gskole posted an update in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 3 months ago
I am having a problem with the groups. When I post a comment, it gets emailed to the people in my group. When they click on the link from their email to respond, it takes them to the page with the comment, but if they write a comment, it is set up as a separate comment, not nested under my original comment. I know that they need to hit the reply…[Read more]
gskole joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 14 years, 3 months ago
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