hajakif started the forum topic How to modify the bp_before_member_header_meta in the members Profile page in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 13 years, 11 months ago
Hi to all, I need to disable the following mesage in the profile page of buddypress “username has been a member for 1 month, 3 weeks.”, when i searched for the code. i got this do action query ‘bp_before_member_header_meta’, Where can i find the Hook to modify. if i disbale the doaction statement its not […]
hajakif joined the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years, 11 months ago
hajakif started the forum topic Issue regarding the Eventpress Event Links in the group EventPress: 14 years ago
Hi, I have an issue with eventpress.i have created more than three events in eventpress,in that if i click an event its not leading me to exact event page instead of that it leads to the another event page. for example http://localhost/conv2/events/watch-one/ http://localhost/conv2/events/test-one/ http://localhost/conv2/events/test-two/ – first…[Read more]
hajakif joined the group EventPress 14 years ago
hajakif posted on the forum topic Facing some issue with Cometchat and Buddypress theme in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years ago
HI Mercime,
I created child theme based on the bp-default theme ,
Can you help me out to find what i’m missing here.. here is the link of the website. http://www.eikonstatus.com/connect.
hoping that solution is not far away.;) -
hajakif started the forum topic Facing some issue with Cometchat and Buddypress theme in the group Third Party Components & Plugins: 14 years ago
This is Haja, I’m basically a designer,i integrated cometchat with buddypress, it works fine with the default theme, if i activate my custom child theme, i’m not able to see the Chat bar… can anyone help me out in this issue…? its very urgent
Haja -
hajakif joined the group Third Party Components & Plugins 14 years ago
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