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  • @houfton


    @mindyjoy do you have access to the database, eg through your Control Panel and phpMyAdmin?

    It might help to look in there to see what is going on.

    In the wp_users table there is a ‘user_status’ column. I don’t think WordPress uses it but BuddyPress does and so do these plugins (I believe). Active Users are ‘0’ unactivated are ‘2’.

    There is a ‘user_activation_key’ column but I think the relevant keys are found in the wp_usermeta table. Search the ‘meta_key’ column in that table for ‘activation_key’ and the keys will appear in the ‘meta_value’ column.

    Hopefully those tables should tally with what is shown by the plugins. Or else you could email your users with the keys…



    I have gone for Unconfirmed too. It does everything that Pending Activations did without any hacking.



    The link that was stripped from my last post is (hopefully):



    BuddyPress Pending Activations has not been updated for quite a while now – back in 2011 I think – and it is not ‘officially’ compatible with WordPress 3.5 or BuddyPress 6.

    I have just tried it on a test site with these latest versions and it does seem to be working for me.

    It does however create Warning errors (which will show up in admin if you have display_errors turned on) because it still uses the prepare() function with one argument. See for an explanation.

    The warnings I get are like
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-pending-activations/bp-pending-activations.php on line 18 and defined in /xxx/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990
    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-pending-activations/admin/bp-pending-activations-admin.php on line 6 and defined in /xxx/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990

    If you want to hack the plugin to stop the errors I think there is one instance in bp-pending-activations.php and several in bp-pending-activations-admin.php.



    I think the answer to this is to use an ampersand. My version also has “&type=alphabetical” but that is optional:

    `bp_has_members( bp_ajax_querystring( ‘members’ ) . ‘&type=alphabetical &per_page=50’ )`



    I think I have answered my own question… the relevant add_action seems to be ‘xprofile_updated_profile’.



    I take your point, thank you. I should probably use a list rather than divs. The main thing is I want to be able to manipulate the layout using css.
    [deleted rest: just my stupid mistake!]



    In case anybody is interested (!) I found a solution using the bp_field_css_class function: `<div>`. This gives my divs a class name based on the field name eg: `


    The trouble I have now is that the profile loop seems to be ignoring the styles in my child theme’s style.css file – apart from the body tag styles which it applies. I can’t work that one out at the moment.



    Thank you. That seems very obvious now you say it!

    I have been trying to add ids to my divs using a sanitised version of the field name eg First Name becomes `


    I have tried using WordPress functions like `sanitize_title(bp_the_profile_field_name())` but this does not work. How should it be done?

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