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  • hridaya


    how to override the bp_get_add_friend_button on themes functions.php i have tried but it got erros..

    Thank you

    Hello @Paul Gibbs can you give some advice what may be the issues here.

    Thank you

    Actually the data from bp_activity Tabble deleted sometimes on 1 day ,sotime on 2 day randomly with `type` = ‘activity_update’ OR `type` = ‘new_blog_post’ OR `type`=’new_avatar’ but not all the table itself deleted.
    I contact the hosting company and they sent me the log files and i can not see any delete query related to delete activity from bp_activity table.

    Here are the list of plugin using
    BP Profile Search, BuddyPress Profile Privacy ,WP-reCAPTCHA ,RoyalSlider,Rating-Widget Plugin ,Platinum SEO Pack,BuddyPress Block Activity Stream Types

    Its very strange issues…

    Ok look now i have edited the templates

    The same templates works locally and dev server but its does not seems work on live server. strange

    Template Name: Who is online


    if ( bp_has_members(‘type=online&per_page=30’)) : ?>

    • <a href="”>

      //$user_info = get_userdata($postcontent);
      $image_status= ‘


      else {$image_status= ‘


      echo $image_status;
      <a href="”>

      * If you want to show specific profile fields here you can,
      * but it’ll add an extra query for each member in the loop
      * (only one regadless of the number of fields you show):
      * bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=the field name’ );


    its all working on localhost and d v server but when it implemented on live its not working at all with type=online
    its strange
    Please help if anyone have any ideas about it.

    Thank you

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