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  • @ignatiusjeroe




    here is a list of available plugins
    let me know if its helpful




    Here are a few plugins you might want to consider. Hire a developer in india to ,modify the plugin so that its compatible with BP. This should be an easy task. Let me know if you have other queries



    Im looking for Beta testers for my BP search form builder: BuddySearch. It will be done within a couple of days. And before uploading it to WP i’d like people to test it out. For you participation you also get the premium plugin for free.
    you can email me at: ignatiusjeroe @ gmail . com



    you can achieve this with Gravity Form- BP registration add-on. Well its quite expensive but it works wonderfully.



    Isnt it a better idea to block or delete the user all together? Bullying your members is not the best way to go in my opinion.



    the plugin should be done within 6 months.



    Thank you for your interest. I’m about to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise the money needed to fund the last phase of the project. It’s about 70% done. For the enthusiastic people who back me will receive a free copy of the premium version along with one year upgrade and support.

    I’ll post some images of the plugin ASAP also a link to the kickstarter page.
    I would really appreciate you guys spreading the word through FB, twitter and word of mouth to get the buzz going.
    BuddyPress deserves a powerful, highly customizable profile search form. Buddypress is meant to bring people together. Ironically it doesnt do a very good job at helping members of your site connect to one another. The rather simplistic search engine that comes with BP just doesnt cut it for most buddypress site users.

    BuddySearch is COMING!

    BuddySearch – Searches done right.



    I’ll keep you posted



    The site youve mentioned is using ‘bp-profile-search’.
    BTW im building a premium search form builder for the Members Directory, called ‘BuddySearch’. The plugin allows you to build your own custom search form. Would you be interested in something like this?



    Well I’d purchase gravity form Developer. Its really neat. Bid expensive but worth all your money. it comes with a registration addon module with which you can edit the registration page to your satisfaction!
    Dont be cheap, investin yourself! Good luck!



    BTW im using BP 1.5.4 WP 3.3.1



    Im a salutation user to. This is a question you should post on their support site. A word of advice,
    use child themes in the future. Read all about it in the documentation of salutation theme. Also just
    reinstall the theme files that you messed up. That should solve your problems.
    I’m no programmer so my answers are not technical but practical

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