mike84 started the forum topic Theme broken after upgrade to 1.5 in the group Installing BuddyPress 13 years, 2 months ago
Just upgraded to 1.5 and my child theme is broken. It was working fine with 1.2. Now I back to a white screen when I activate my theme. I have deactivated all plugins and removed the @imports in my stylesheet […]
hnla posted on the forum topic Child themes don't auto-replace "adminbar.css" in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 3 months ago
No style.css which @imports the required stylesheets uses hardcoded relative paths to locate the imported styesheets. Copy adminbar.css to your child structure if you want to edit some of it, if you revert to the default theme at any time then the original style.css will be in effect and call the other original stylesheets.
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