Yes I have asked them for that. I was asked to buy the pro version. Even then I don’t think that will solve the problem as they in pro version, I will get the ability to add a custom URL for login redirection, but instead I want the Profile page of the users.
So now the users after login, they are being redirected to the activity page which has the following tabs: members, search. Now if they want to go to their profile, they have to use my site primary menu where, I have kept profile tab. Now this is not good.
So, it will be best,if there is a profile tab on the activity page. Or you can help me to make the default landing page the profile page.
Yes I am using restrict content pro with buddypress & wp job manager. Now I can Restrict a candidate to post a job as I can restrict the “post a job” page with restrict content pro plugin. But the main problem is that anyone can post a job from buddypress profile as I have integrated buddypress with wp job manager as restrict content pro cannot be integrated with buddypress without buying a paid plugin. Now is there a way to restrict some features in buddypress, so that candidates cannot apply for a job from buddypress.