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  • innoj


    Sorry for the belated reply – we were in a bit of a pinch so we had to ditch BP alltogether and go with Drupal/Organic Groups this time. Not that that’s problem-free, but it’s a more complete package feature-wise for the project at hand.

    Anyways, a thousand thanks to Burt for the updated version. I’ll give it a spin asap.



    Did some more testing:

    -“Site Admin” link shows up always, but it leads to a dashboard view with only “Profile” and “Tools” on the menu. Seems about right to me.

    -Community Blogs seems to work fine when I set “Allow All Registered Users” to Yes. Setting it to No and entering my group slug into the “Allow Access” field doesn’t seem to work.



    That was a very good tip, thank you.

    Now I’ve got the Community Blogs plugin installed and activated.

    I also created (with admin user) a new blog. However, when I log in with another user and visit the blog and then click on the “Site Admin” link to write a post, it takes me to the backend just fine but registers me as a user to the site’s main blog. That is also where the post goes, not the blog I visited (group blog).

    Any ideas? Could this be due to the fact that I have my BP installation in a directory (i.e. and not in the root of my domain?



    Thanks for the idea, but could you please elaborate a bit:

    What does “a blog created for a group” actually mean? I can find no possibility to associate a blog with a specific group. Did I understand you correctly that the only way to do this would be to _manually_ add each group member as an editor to a basically arbitrary blog?

    The missing plugin would then have to have a possibility to

    -assign a blog to this group

    -automagically activate present and future group members as editors in the given blog

    -link to blog backend for writing posts and pages

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