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When the BP plug-in is installed instead, I believe we should change the function bp_core_screen_signup() from the file: /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-signup.php in order to tell BP to accept our local mailserver in a similar way that the one described just before. Since I don’t need to do this for now, I haven’t written exactly the php sentences.
Best regards.
Ok. I’ve fixed it.
The mailer checks the domain name used. I won’t exted on this issue.
To let our local mailserver work correctly, we can do it by changing the validate_user_signup() function.
This function is located in: /wp-signup.php file, check it at the line 267 or something similar.
We must tell wordpress to consider valid our mail domain name without restrictions.
This can be done by modifying the user account check line:
We must replace the sentence
if ( $errors->get_error_code() )
if ( $errors->get_error_code() && $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]!
“localhost.YOURDOMAINNAME” ).
Doing this, WP will accept any mail and user name if sent from our local domain.
Notice that WP won’t warn us about any registration error by doing this.
If you create by mistake an account, you can erase this sign up by editing the signup table in your wprss database using phpmyadmin.
I hope it can help anyone else.
I have tested the site and I’ve found that this is not a BP problem.
I believe that the problem is caused because WP checks that the e-mail account is valid.
Being a local/virtual domain, I think that WP does not find some kind of record (on Internet) and this avoids WPmu to go on with the sign up process.
I will come back to share the solution when I success fixing it.
Of course, I appreaciate any help.
I’ve added this information in order to make more clear the first message on this thread.
Thank you very much.
I have the same problem.
I’ve set up a smtp and a pop server on local, as Sam has done.
It means that I am able to send and receive e-mails using a virtual domain on my local server.
I’ve installed:
-BP 1.1.3
When I register a new user using the regular sign up form, I receive the check e-mail message, but no message is sent to my mail account.
I’VE TESTED the forgot your password WPMU function by using my admin account data to retrieve my e-mail and it works instead.
1) Sign Up message does not work.
2) Forgotten password message works correctly.
The way I’ve done it is by creating a virtual domain directed to; and using it also as pop and smtp server address. Messages are received via that address by a SMTP/POP3 server installed on my PC.
I can send e-mails using thunderbird (or any other e-mail client) without any problem.
All this mess is working under Windows Vista and LAMP.