Roger Coathup posted on the forum topic 404 page not found in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 3 months ago
@irishartisans – did you get the custom permalinks working on your basic WordPress install with BuddyPress de-activated?
You’ll need that before you attempt to use BuddyPress.
Does this article help: http://www.benhuson.co.uk/2010/03/01/wordpress-permalinks-zeus-server/
Roger Coathup posted on the forum topic 404 page not found in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 3 months ago
@irishartisans – where did you remove the mod_rewrite.c directives / add the rewrite.script directives? Wasn’t that in your .htaccess file? Most web hosting will allow you access to your .htaccess file. Which hosting company are you using? Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about rewrite.script so can’t help further on that. Do the steps I…[Read more]
Roger Coathup posted on the forum topic 404 page not found in the group Installing BuddyPress: 14 years, 3 months ago
@irishartisans – I’ve never known anyone use rewrite.script. Mod_rewrite.c is the norm for WP / BP I suggest going back to the original .htaccess file, then de-activate BuddyPress, and then run the following tests: Do custom permalinks work (e.g. change them to /%category%/%postname%/ in your wp-admin), can you comment, can you register new sites,…[Read more]
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