Isaal replied to the topic How will BuddyPress forum look like? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for ur reply! 😀
just a question: if I use BuddyPress will it function like this forum? I mean like the forum we are talking in it now and creating topics and asking questions. is this how BuddyPrss will look like?
Isaal replied to the topic How will BuddyPress forum look like? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 8 months ago
Thanks for ur reply 😀
but I didn’t get the difference between them. 🙁
please can you just give little more details or websites are using these forums to understand better the difference?
Isaal started the topic How will BuddyPress forum look like? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 8 months ago
I am using WordPress CMS to design my website and it’s hosted in GoDaddy under a paid domain name that’s why I am looking for a free forum to use it but under my website URL and my website design so is BuddyPress good for me or the forum gonna be like mywebsite.buddypress.com and under totally different design???
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