12 years, 3 months ago
Thta’s it. Big thanks!
I found a code to put in functions.php
‘ function redirect_nonloggedin_users($current_uri, $redirect_to) { // Redirect users to the homepage // Caution! Exclude the homepage from ‘Private BuddyPress’ options // to avoid redirection loops! return get_option(‘siteurl’) . ‘/?from=’ . $redirect_to; }’
but i dont know where put a site that not registered users will be redirected to. ? If i put it to functions.php nothing happens.
Yes, but i want to make my content unvisible for not registered users. If someone is not registered it shows simple page with register form, if registered it will show normal buddypress page.
@naijaping Great work! Could you just paste the code of this nice notification plugin?