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  • @jaketblank


    Oh, I’m also the only person developing the plugins for sale in the store, so I was in no means exaggerating by saying I have a million things to code – currently being pressured to start closed betas 🙁



    Thanks, will do – sorry if I came off curt; I’m the sole developer for a massive community endeavor (tying together bigbluebutton, buddypress, simple:press, woocommerce, sensei, software licensing, groups, subscriptions, informational video portal, document library, and of course a blog) and a bit burnt out to say the least. Just did a quick google search for the BP forum and looked for the suggestion thread cause I felt this was worth a discussion



    Also, I posted this as a suggestion for looking at updating the function itself to contain similar code (assigning a CSS selector to displayed avatars based off user role). I think it is a no brainer and can be easily turned on/off by a Boolean in the $args array.

    It was not posted here as a “how-to” for others



    Read my note at the bottom – because I have a million other things to code at the moment. I agree with you that writing a function and applying a filter is a better approach, which is why I suggested it in the OP



    fragmented caching and general performance enhancements should be at the top of the list – as more features get added the problem will only worsen…

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