15 years, 10 months ago
I´ve done something but I think I need quite work…
First, I´ve created a new file:
This file is where I redirect when I access to admin area
If I access to http://localhost.localdomain/bp/members/admin/myownpage/
The file is loaded…
I want to make a \”home admin page\” in which I put some information:
-Last entries unreaded
-Private messages
-A brief profile
-Some html
-Brief Activity
-Brief Wire
I need to load bp-activity, bp-messages, bp-profile,… classes…
Do you know?
But I don´t want to add widgets to my home page…(There is no messages widget)
I want to create a new file as bp-activity.php called bp-myownhome.php and include what I want reestructuring the buddy press code…