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  • @janthiel


    Hi guys,

    thanks for the quick replies @shanebp and @Hugo.

    Just tried again and it still remains: Uploading in wp-admin doesn’t work at all. I can successfully delete Avatars, but uploading does not work. Can you tell me where the function to upload Avatars should be located? I have got the Avatar (Gravatar) area at the right side and the Xtended Profile content in the main area when viewing a single profile. There is a “Delete Avatar” link, when a custom avatar is there, but no “Upload Avatar” if the default Gravatar is shown. Ideas?

    Anyway with the Frontend link (…/members/[login-name]/profile/change-avatar/) it works like a charm.
    Problem was: The link isn’t there on my site. Seems to be a problem with the X2 Theme. With Twentythirteen the link is there and works. Thanks for the hint where to search 😉

    Now lets get the Backend thing sorted out and everythings gona be perfect 🙂


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