Forum Replies Created
Confirmed… works as advertised. THANK YOU ANDY!
This has apparently been set to fixed in 1.2.1 — Hope that it indeed is. Thanks.
Andy – Being a new user to BP, I was unaware you had a ticket tracking process. I found Trac and created a ticket. Ticket #2043.
Mike – I would appreciate it at this point if you just backed off.
“@jfigura being a dick is probably not going to get you all the help you need and we are all attempting to give. DJPaul is fond of playing moderator
Excuse me? You have given no help other than to misread my posts, accuse me of debating something I am not, and now you your professional attitude is to call me a “dick”? – who is “we all” – Who has given something to troubleshoot or to look at? What HAS been stated here is how to make it go away but that it doesn’t help to solve testing issues. Yet no one has come back asking anyone here to do anything to test, especially you.
People who use names like that are usually representing how they ultimately see themselves, and it’s real apparent that the only “dick” on the thread right now is yourself.
@Dlittle — That’s pretty much what I have already done.
@ Mpratt — “There’s plenty of room for debate on whether BP should – let’s keep the issue separate”
I am not debating it. I DONT CARE whether it does or doesn’t. What do I care about is IF it does, then it needs to be correct. Reread the post as you seem to have misunderstood what I communicated.And if you’re not on the dev team, I am not sure what it is you are going to help with….
@ Mike—
“The fact that this occur for you in v1.1.3 obviously points to the fact that you have had issues independent of v1.2. What version of WPMU?”“Are you setting the password during registration AND receiving an email with a DIFFERENT password?” — Um yes, that’s obvious and it is what the thread is about.
“Are you expecting to receive an email with a password (if so, why? given that’s not how BP works – in spite of @Peter’s incessant protests” —- If BP ASKS the user for a password, then the email SHOULD state that password, not something different. This is confusing the user and you already agreed with me on this earlier in the thread.
Using WPMU alone, you are not asked to set a password, therefore when the email arrives from WPMU, the password works. Not so with BP because the user has already set a password.
If this is not how BP is supposed to work, then how IS it supposed to work? You have stated previously “That’s it. No email.” —- Then why are my users getting emails to activate, then another email with a password after?
Again, there is no option for an admin to turn off BP overriding the password, or WPMU NOT to send the emails out. So obviously this is an underlying code issue somewhere involving BP since IT IS SUPPOSED to override WPMU.
It is apparent I am not the only one experiencing this and I think the issue is quite clear right from the OP’s first post.
@ John – Wouldn’t it be easier to just remove the “PASSWORD” reference in the WPMU email signup options? It could be amended with “Please use password you created at time of sign up.”
@Mike – Ok if something is working correctly, then where does one begin to try and figure out the problem? There isn’t any option available to an admin to turn these emails off, only to manipulate what the email says. In that case I am assuming it is making a call to the database for the password which is somehow getting read wrong. But then again I am new enough to WPMU and BP not to know where to yet look to solve the issue.
I REALLY want to use BP and WPMU, but I am finding so many quirky things. Especially with the templates at WPMU DEV, what a waste of money that was.
@ Mike Pratt — I honestly don’t care if BP sends the email or not. The issue here is that BP DOES override the password by allowing the user to create their own. Therefore, either BP needs to remove this feature and allow WPMU to set the passwords, OR, BP needs to override the email itself with the correct password that the user selected.
Having a user create a password then receive an email with a random generated one is confusing.
There are no issues in my logs
This has been happening with me, repeatedly, on fresh installs and databases with all versions since 1.1.3. I tried to find help with this at WPMU Dev who told me it was a BP issue.
This does not happen to me on standard WPMU installs.