David Dean posted on the forum topic Group Hierarchy Tree not working ! in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 13 years, 9 months ago
@johnny2011, @4ella, @studio8c, etc. The newest release has a true tree view from the Group Tree page. Pleas give it a try and see if it improves things for you. @hkcharlie: Can you provide any details on this problem? For example: are you seeing something else where the Group Tree should be, or seeing the top-level groups but are […]
4ella posted on the forum topic Group Hierarchy Tree not working ! in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 13 years, 10 months ago
@ddean @johnny2011 There are several requests , including mine , it would help because right now it is not a “tree” hierarchy , in fact you can see the hierarchy only in groups where is the tab for it (but not tree which desire everyone) , one of users suggested to try to use dtree plugin which […]
David Dean posted on the forum topic Group Hierarchy Tree not working ! in the group BP Group Hierarchy: 13 years, 10 months ago
@johnny2011, it looks like the AJAX group listings don’t work on your site. Unfortunately, the tree view only works via AJAX for the time being.
As far as bread crumbs, I will see if I can create a template tag to display that. 🙂
xberserker posted on the forum topic point page shows in profile but nothing else in the group CubePoints Buddypress Integration: 14 years, 2 months ago
@johnny2011 Are you referring to the points logs? Can I have a URL to your site or a screenshot?
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