10 years, 6 months ago
Ok, I resolved the rest of it. I created a plugin and added this (it wouldn’t work until I raised the priority level to 20): add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘my_plugin_widgets_init’, 20 );
function my_plugin_widgets_init() { if( !is_main_site() ) { unregister_widget('BP_Core_Friends_Widget'); unregister_widget('BP_Groups_Widget'); unregister_widget('BP_Messages_Sitewide_Notices_Widget'); } }
Partial solution (incomplete):
I created the bp-custom.php file but since I’m using multisite it must go in the mu-plugins folder, NOT the regular plugins folder.
In that file I placed (found from searches):
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'my_bp_mu_widgets_init' ); function my_bp_mu_widgets_init() { if( !is_main_site() ) { remove_all_actions('bp_register_widgets'); } }
That got rid of all but three widgets (Friends, Groups, and Site Wide Notices)
Anyone know how to get rid of those?