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  • @josephfrio13yahoocom


    well i pasted the following code into the member-header.php file in buddypress where it says to add code and still no luck.

    <div id="member_profile">
        <div class="profile_fields">Position <span><?php bp_member_profile_data( 'field=Position' );?></span></div>
    * If you'd like to show specific profile fields here use:
    * bp_member_profile_data( 'field=About Me' ); -- Pass the name of the field
    do_action( 'bp_profile_header_meta' );
    Any ideas?



    I would be adding the code directly into the member header file for now. I’ll switch things over once I get the code snippets plugin that you recommended, but for now I’ll just add it directly into the buddypress file where the article tells me to.



    @butlerweb that’s a good call on the plugin Code Snippets — sounds like a really useful plugin.

    Okay, so using the code from the link you gave me (which should be added to the buddypress member header file):

    <div id=”member_profile”>
    <div class=”profile_fields”>Category: <span><?php bp_profile_field_data( ‘field=Category’ );?></span></div>

    If the Category Field was an array (a multicheck boxes), would this code be different, do you know? Maybe this is the issue I’m running into to.

    Thanks. –Joe



    Thanks @butlerweb!

    I tried the social media earlier and it didn’t seem to work. I wrote the forum and received a response so am going to try again.

    As for the other link — yup been there too. Do you have to include a “do_action” in that code? Because it doesn’t seem to work for me wither. I’m using a field with multiple check boxes so I wonder if that’s the issue? Although on your site, I think I see a mulitcheck box section in your “arts subcategories” section, no? Thanks again.




    @butlerweb Nice, thanks! I’m using whatever came with wordpress and buddypress, no extra plugin. I’m always afraid of slowing down the site speed when installing and activating plugins to be honest.



    Hi @butlerweb thanks for the response!

    I’m not using xprofile fields because I didn’t want to add a birthdate field and whatnot, just wanted to display my current profile extension fields. Is that not possible without the install of xProfile Fields?




    Hi all, I like this idea and it seems to work, but after importing the code into my theme functions.php, when I go to “theme options” and try to save, the SAVE button no longer works and gives back an error. Then when I delete to code from functions.php, the theme options save button works again. Very odd. Any ideas? Thanks!



    Look like I’m getting this…

    Test Image

    Tried a bunch of things but can’t get around this above image. Doesn’t even look like the page is loading properly. Was attempting the Change Avatarr subnav.

    Let me know if you have any further suggestions. Thanks again!



    @henrywright and @lflier thanks a bunch for the time on this, it’s much appreciated! I’m going to play around with the information you gave me and see if I can come up with something a little later. I’ll keep you posted on my progress! Can’t thank you guys enough for your time and I look forward to reaching out soon, hopefully with some success! Great forum 🙂



    Hey guys,

    Not really an expert at this at all. I really appreciate the replies though — that’s awesome!

    I went into the profile-loader.php and settings-loader.php files and tried to move around some things but nothing worked properly… but I guess what I’m asking is: is there any code you suggest that I could do a search/replace or whatnot to make this last suggestion easier? Would be much appreciated.

    Thanks all!



    Hi, I was looking to do the same thing. Replace the default ‘Show Everything’ to ‘Show Updates.’ Anyone ever get this working 100%??



    @Virtuali — thanks your comment worked for me — I was having the same problem as @cmroybal. Reinstalling wordpress would have been awful. I did have to uncheck enable forums for that specific group though and then re-enable it after deleting the specific group forum file in the database. Thanks a bunch!

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