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  • Julian replied to the topic Font Awesome 5 in the forum Miscellaneous 7 years ago

    Hello @vapvarun,

    Thank you very much for your help.

    I contacted my theme developer, and they mentioned that they changed the theme to version 5 but forgot to update the BuddyPress profile page template.

    Everything is fixed now, so thank you for your help 🙂

  • Julian started the topic Font Awesome 5 in the forum Miscellaneous 7 years, 1 month ago

    Hi there,

    This is just a quick question for anyone in the BuddyPress developer community. Are there any plans of updating BuddyPress’ files to display font awesome version 5.x?

    Thank you,

  • haha, never mind 🙂 I totally forgot about .profile .field_1 { display:none; } until now. I just threw it in my child theme’s custom css.

    Thanks for everything.

  • Hey Henry,

    Thank you so much! That worked perfectly.

    I forgot to mention though that the “Name” profile field still shows up on theer BuddyPress profile page. Do you know any code that I could use to hide that field?

    Thanks so much

  • Hi there,

    I’ve been doing a lot of research into hiding the required name profile field (since my users find it redundant and confusing), however, I can’t seem to find an answer on any topics.

    The closest I stumbled upon was this BuddyPress ticket which gives this CSS code:

    #register-page p { display: none;}
    #profile-edit-form .field_1 {…
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