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  • @justarandomuser





    OK AJAX is now working. I use now the $GLOBAL variable from WordPress.

    Just the new message, whoch is appended my AJAX, is not correctly dispayed. Will continue to find the problem.

    It looks like the AJAX response (new message) is appended right after <form …> and before the next <div ….>

    <form id="send-reply" action="<?php bp_messages_form_action(); ?>" method="post" class="standard-form">
                <div class="conv-textarea">
                  <?php //do_action( 'bp_before_message_reply_box' ); ?>
                  <textarea name="content" id="message_content" class="auto-height" placeholder=""></textarea>
                  <?php //do_action( 'bp_after_message_reply_box' ); ?>
                  <div class="conv-bottom">                
                    <?php //do_action( 'bp_after_message_reply_box' ); ?>
                    <div class="submit">
                      <input type="submit" name="send" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Send Reply', 'buddypress' ); ?>" id="send_reply_button"/>
                    <input type="hidden" id="thread_id" name="thread_id" value="<?php bp_the_thread_id(); ?>" />
                    <input type="hidden" id="messages_order" name="messages_order" value="<?php bp_thread_messages_order(); ?>" />
                    <?php wp_nonce_field( 'messages_send_message', 'send_message_nonce' ); ?>

    Very strange to put a message there.



    Yes sir.
    Just found the problem:
    my import of my SQL file was a little bit failed. Everything was fine but BuddyPress was corrupted – I don’t know why! Fixed it!

    Now I can test PHP7. First opinion: it’s sensible faster on localhost.

    I’ll install PHP7 later on my Debian Server to test.



    I just tested my whole Website with PHP7.
    I have 19 PlugIns activated. 18 are working fine – except BuddyPress.

    I really don’t know why but even simple functions like “messages_get_unread_count()” get an Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function messages_get_unread_count().

    bp_get_messages_slug and many more gives me the same error.

    Can anyone help?



    thank you for your answer.
    So If I use another SMTP plugin, the mails should be sent in HTML format, right?

    I am not forced to use the plugin I talked about above. It’s just the most confortable and at the moment the only one that works with Buddypress 2.5.2



    Same problem here!

    I am using the plugin “Postman SMTP”. But emails are not sent with css styles in v2.5.

    With the following in functions.php, the mails are sent in text/html

    add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'set_content_type' );
    function set_content_type( $content_type ) {
      return 'text/html';

    Without they are sent in text/plain. But with or without, the emails never look like in the customizer.



    I just got it working with the wonderful plugin “Postman SMTP”!

    But there is still a problem with BuddyPress 2.5: the emails are not sent with css styles!

    With the following in functions.php, the mails are sent in text/html

    add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'set_content_type' );
    function set_content_type( $content_type ) {
      return 'text/html';

    Without they are sent in text/plain. But with or without, the emails never look like in the customizer.

    Any help? 🙁




    Please help me.



    nobody? 🙁



    Thank you for your reply!
    Could you provide me a little example? I am completely new to Buddypress and things like this.

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