Hey Scott I think you are right but yea in the mean time I need some help! (I know this is not the right place to ask but ok) look at this: http://teamvortex.nl/members/justin-bean/cubepoints/
it”s wel dead 0.0 im using the source by elegant themes, does anybody know how this fix this? I really need some help it’s a Cubepoints error thingy
If the link doesn’t work go like this: on the homepage click on “clan leden” (right at the top) click on justin bean –> points, and see for yourself
Hey herman scott Thanks! but yea the problem is my english sucks (still learning) so my english is not good enough so that sucks but can explain to me how I can install the trunk (what ever that is ) and how to get the new Admin bar for my website because the current one sucks.
Thanks! Btw my website is http://www.teamvortex.nl