12 years, 3 months ago
It has been done with 5 star rating system here: http://kaformedia.com/site/user-rating-and-reviews-plugin-rate-user-by-profile-wordpressbuddypress/
Of course a point system you can create with cubepoints https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cubepoints/
12 years, 8 months ago
Ok where do you put the code and how can we make it for role.
Why don’t you use the built in wordpress ids? If you view all users and hover over a user it will show the user ids. https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_userdata
@sushkov would you might know? I think this is close right – https://buddypress.org/community/groups/creating-extending/forum/topic/solved-limit-members-loop-by-profile-fields/
members or s2members plugin should work along with xprofiles acl plugin to assign profile fields