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  • kristinrutten


    I just tried adding a member the usual way and it works fine. So, I’m guessing this an issue with the import plugin. Guess I’ll have to add everyone one at a time… unless there are other suggestions?



    Also… I just tried switching to the Twenty-Thirteen theme and still had the problem. Page Not Found.



    I haven’t had time to weed through all of your observations but here is what I’ve checked so far:

    – Mystery man DOES show, so as you suggest, a conflict with media upload or permalinks is possible. I am not really a programmer though so I have no idea what I would need to do to fix that. Suggestions?

    – No, I do not use a custom function or plugin to get the username. I’m guessing that the two users that are different were created the usual way, while the rest were done using the import plugin. It worked previously, though as you mentioned that was with different versions.

    – I’m not sure what your question is on wpengine except that it relates to auto updates.



    Thanks for the response… to answer your questions:
    – No – I did not import users from an older site.
    – Yes – I am hosted on wpEngine
    – I did try repair tools already with no effect.
    – I’ve checked avatar settings and don’t see anything amiss. I’m not sure why that is a question though as my issue isn’t with avatars (my new users haven’t even been able to add avatars yet because of this issue). It’s the entire profile page that doesn’t load and instead gets a Page Not Found error.
    – Members import – I imported this particular list just once. I used it two other times a year ago for different lists with no problem.
    – WP & BP users are supposed to be synced per my BP settings, but I’m not sure that’s happening correctly.

    I will try deactivating the outdated plugsin you mentioned again, but I’ve already tried deactivating all of them once and didn’t see any effect. If that doesn’t work, I’ll open up a ticket as suggested.

    Thanks again for your help.. if you have additional ideas at this point, I’d love to hear them.

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