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  • @larrymac


    Good point on editing the core files, I hadn’t thought of that. I couldn’t find where to make those changes – or to what extent I needed to make them – and came across that while I was looking. But you’re right: everybody ignore my previous advice and do it the right way. 😉

    I’m still shaky on where WP ends and BP begins…lol.



    For anybody else who runs into this, I found a quick and easy way: you can change the default number of tags returned in wp-includes/category-template.php



    Thanks. Not sure if I know where I should be looking, though. I did find the code below in wp-admin/edit-tags.php. Am I in the right spot? If so, do I delete all of that?

    Thanks for the patience.

    if ( !is_null( $tax->labels->popular_items ) ) {
    	if ( current_user_can( $tax->cap->edit_terms ) )
    		$tag_cloud = wp_tag_cloud( array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'echo' => false, 'link' => 'edit' ) );
    		$tag_cloud = wp_tag_cloud( array( 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'echo' => false ) );
    	if ( $tag_cloud ) :
    <div class="tagcloud">
    <h3><?php echo $tax->labels->popular_items; ?></h3>
    <?php echo $tag_cloud; unset( $tag_cloud ); ?>



    That looks like exactly what I’m looking for. Which file is that in? I couldn’t find anything like that!



    So far, so good. Thanks!



    Thanks for the reply. Weird note: I decided to go on transferring content from the current site to this development site, planning to fix that later once I got some responses from those who know better. I added a few posts before I saw your response and as soon as the posts extended to the third line in the main content area, the right column shifted back up to where it should be.

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