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@boonebgorges – I don’t wanna disrupt you, but I have tried to:
zero: customize 2.0
1st Restore the DB
2nd Deactivate all of BP Plugins (while running BP 1.7)
3rd Activate BP 2.0and the bug is still :trolling
Sorry, but updating the site with the original 2.0 solves the problem xD
Me and @texrat are the real developers – it came out an hour ago, but we have already opened it up and tried to make some code (true story)@boonebgorges Sorry, I did not see your reply, I have check out again the usermeta table (maybe at the first time I checked it on the wrong place – sry I have more than 1020 tables in the DB and I am not used to use it) and I have found this line
EDITEDThe database was restored to the previous status and every single BP plugin was deactivated, but the problem is still in ‘good shape’. :S
& they are Running with 3.8.3
&Running with 3.8.3
I am running multiple (5) single, standalone sites, but the usertable and the usermeta table are the same everywhere.
I have added the login and register redirection BP plugins and the disable activation one. I am using CubePoints, BP Followers, BP Media, BP Links, BP Extended Groups, BP Friends& Groups Suggest, BP Like, BP Group Extras, WordPress Captcha, BP Activity Refresh and Register Plus Redux (EDIT:) and W3 Total Cache.
These accounts I am using ATM are registered long ago upon the wordpress installation or in the wp admin section, I have registered an other account, but the problem is the same.
Now, I will try to restore the DB and Disable all the other BP plugins and we will see what happens.
I am maybe making a mistake, but are these must-have?
delete_user_option( $user_id, 'capabilities' ); delete_user_option( $user_id, 'user_level' );
EDIT: I dunno what’s happening, I restored the DB and I am using multiple sites with one usermeta and user table. When I did not log into the site which is running with BP 2.0 I have admin rights on the others, but when I log in I lost everything.
same here.
The biggest problem is that the usermeta looks great in the DB and if I log in with a subscriber ranked account and the same thing happens.
By the way I have given the edit posts capability to every single subscribers automatically viewing any of the pages and it is also lost when I am using the 2.0 version. Before this I was using BP 1.7 What could be the problem?BTW 2.0 is AWESOME! 😀
if(! is_admin()) {
}Thank you very very much! 😀
EDIT: I already have wordpress sites and I would like to integrate them in my system.
Mastersite root/home
an example: root/exampledoes this change anything?
thank you for your reply
yes, it is a stupid ideacontinuing discussion at:
awesome! thank you all! 😀
Any ideas?
separate regular installs
btw I am having multiple domains aswell
I have 5 websites with separate system and separate buddypress. I am suing only one database and I have the same table for users and usermeta.
How could I make then to the activity, friends, messages, etc. so all the buddypress data (or except dashboard settings) be synced? 😀and working with individual sites
could you help me how to config it?i am using currectly 1.7
maybe there is something with the
bp_core_get_table_prefix functionok im gonna get it myself then
for example from wp003_bp_friends to wp015_bp_friends
so changing perfixes in a safe way
Could i ask what is base_prefix?EDIT: I would like to use buddypress for multiple websites, but they have no wp multisite connection, just user and usermeta
sorry this is the exact code:
function content_magic($content) {
$content = get_the_content();
$m= preg_match_all(‘!http://a-z0-9\-\.\/]+\.(?:jpeg|jpg|png|gif)!Ui’ , $content , $matches);
if ($m) {
for ($j=0;$j<$m;$j++) {
}return $content;