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  • @xXDarkie hi. have you found a solution to your post below? “I would like to know if BuddyPress comes with a function like this or I should write it.
    The target is to list all the messages in the PM page of the user in my website.”
    my email is Thank you!

  • Hi there, I try to invite a member that is not my friend and I get this message : Sorry, xxxxxxx is already a registered user of the site. How can I send an invitation to join a group to a person that is already member registered on the site ? Thanks for any idea […]

  • Prateek posted an update 14 years, 5 months ago

    Email + IM:

  • @footybible hi. hi…cn u plz hook me up with a link to buudypress social download or torrent i dnt have money to buy it

  • bplove posted an update 14 years, 9 months ago

    @MariusOoms @MariusOoms interested at all in some paid dev work? I love what you have done with group blogs and need a template similar to the one you created for group blogs but for a new custom template for a client. We have a budget and I can work around your costs for the time. Are you interested? Might be a good contract opportunity for you…[Read more]

  • bplove posted an update 14 years, 10 months ago

    @MariusOoms Hi Mariusmooms, I would love nothing more than to demo a beta p2 group blog plugin, is this a possibility? If so please email me at: and I will give feedback on it and will very likely be able to get some professional coding done for it as well- please email me and we can chat a bit, I appreciate it muchly.

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